Huskers football camps they hold...


Defensive Coordinator
Oct 6, 2014
Beatrice Nebraska
I'm thinking of signing up my 14 and 17 year old sons and my 14 year old nephew. I'm not so much after the recruiting part or hoping for an offer but im just hoping they teach and work on some good techniques. Anyone know what they charge per kid and what the camps actually work on and overall if its worth the money and time? Thanks for the info and opinions on this.

Ps i see they have yourh camps as well, 3rd to 8th graders....any info on this would be nice, too. As i have a 10 year old as well.
Sorry, but are there any other camps near by for the boys to go to? Any college exposure is welcomed but its more for the experience and getting them ready for next years season. I thought i heard of a Rivals camp somewhere near by comming up this summer....anyone have any info on this as well? Thank you for your time and pathients.
If you're looking for your son to learn something, I would probably look at going to a much smaller camp with more one on one work. I took my son to this camp about four years ago. It was a great experience for him. He got to stay in the dorms and eat there and all that good stuff. That being said, I don't think he learned anything new. There were just so many kids that there is no possible way for the coaches to really give the kids the repetition that they need. Most of the final day was spent playing a tournament of basically two hand touch. Now, the high school camps could be and most likely are a whole different story.
Sending your kids to any week long camp is a no lose situation in my opinion. If they go to a big camp they will not get a lot of time doing everything they need to do as far as learning their position because of the lower amount of reps because of so many people there. The one thing I loved at big camps is you run 40s for time, vertical jump, and so on and you do this with your position group so you can see how you compare to other people at your position . The smaller camps have a lot more instruction time. Also try to find smaller 3-4 day camps. In my opinion 3-4 day camps with a large group of people is a waste of your time and money in my opinion. The price differs so much according to the school teaching football. Week long camps where your kid sleeps in a dorm and eats in the cafeteria is a lot more expensive than a 3 day camp where you drop your kid off in the morning and pick him up in the evening. D1, D2, and D3 along with high school camps also play a big difference in the price. Personally speaking I learned a lot more at the small camps. Big camps helped me see the things I needed to work on. I wish you and your family well with whatever you decide.
After looking into the Husker camps my 17 year old is going to register into the elite Friday night camps (hopefully i got that right) my 14 year old son amd nephew are going to do the skill position camp and my 10 year old was going to do one of the 3 youth sessions....this one im sure has a lot of kids joining in but i can't find many camps for 3rd to 8th grade kids anywere or two i just don't know where to look. We are from Beatrice.