Yeah that's not self defense. At no point during that did he seem threatened at all, the disagreement lasted for all of 5 seconds, he got pushed and he knocked her out.
You're speaking for the defendant? You know what he felt?Yeah that's not self defense. At no point during that did he seem threatened at all, the disagreement lasted for all of 5 seconds, he got pushed and he knocked her out.
Defending himself does not mean slugging a person 100 pounds smaller and knocking her out. I guess we can disagree on this one.
Yes I am. I saw the video, I saw his body language and I saw the "threat" that was a small drunk girl who barely touched him. No rational person in his body would think that amount of force was necessary to protect himself. It's not emotion, it's common sense. It wasn't a persistent threat, he got pushed once and immediately hit her in the head as hard as he could. That is not self defense. Watch him walk away. Hes not scared, he's not worried, he lays her out and calmly walks away.You're speaking for the defendant? You know what he felt?
Just throwing that out there. Fact is, you need to break away from all the emotion, chivary, and machismo, in order to assess this objectively. For the most part, most of the reactions/responses I am reading are emotional.
We're emotional animals. Unless you are willing to discredit human psychology and physiology, to say, after the fact, a spontaneous and emotional reaction is wrong, is subjective and biased.Would Joe Mixon handle it different today? If yes, Then it was not right at all.
She pushed him then slapped him in the face. Then he hit her.Yes I am. I saw the video, I saw his body language and I saw the "threat" that was a small drunk girl who barely touched him. No rational person in his body would think that amount of force was necessary to protect himself. It's not emotion, it's common sense. It wasn't a persistent threat, he got pushed once and immediately hit her in the head as hard as he could. That is not self defense. Watch him walk away. Hes not scared, he's not worried, he lays her out and calmly walks away.
She pushed him then slapped him in the face. Then he hit her.
You need to realize I'm not advocating for Mixon, just pointing out the obvious points any defense attorney would use.
She came after him! Women these days think they can kick , hit, scratch etc., and the man is expected to just sit there and take it! I'm not saying he should have punched her but a good bitch slap would have been more appropriate!
Maybe I would. The fights I've been in never started with a little push in the chest by a female. I can't remember being pushed at all by a man, Guys come out swinging.
Where I live, if I had punched a women in the face like Mixon did I would be thrown in jail even if she had been the aggressor. Even verbal abuse against a women can get you thrown in jail if it's considered domestic violence.
It looks like he was trying to intimidate the small boy, the girl stuck up for him, and he hit her like she was a gigantic man. Then got forcefully redshirted, and then it was like nothing ever happened. For the people that don't like speculation.
Speculation does not matter. Sorry.Was that stand your ground? A little over the top Mixon she wasn't even a feminist. What damage could she have done to him really? He's lucky he's not under the jail for that but women need to realize this isn't the old days and you never know how these men are wired..
Exactly. Why a video a couple years later matters is pointless.You all realize this took place more than 2 years ago right?
Nixon was found guilty and received a deferred sentence. He was suspended for the entire 2014 season.
The transcript of the incident has been out there since 2014 and if you read it, it is about as perfect a description of the incident that you could write.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court recently ordered the video to be released.
I have a couple different thoughts about it after watching the video a few times. First off, it is very clear that at 0:38 he is turning to leave when she gets up and shoves him. That was unprovoked. He then shoves back with more force. She then proceeds to put her hands up near the neck or the face (I can't tell if that is a slap or not) and he then smacks her very hard and knocks her to the ground. Very disproportional and clearly not self-defense.
However, I do want to say that I do think she was accountable for at least instigating what amounts to physical assault. She shoves, then he shoves, she appears to slap, then he appears to slap back much harder. Does the capability to do harm matter? What if we replace this girl with a 98 pound weakling guy? Would we then be saying it was self-defense and he was just defending himself.
Also, as a society we need to accept that women are not all frail, helpless creatures. Most girls now participate in athletics and adult women go to the gym. Many are very capable of doing harm. We shouldn't give one gender a free pass to commit what amounts to assault as long as it involves anther gender. Again, if we replace Mixon with a female athlete, would we still view this the same way?
Again, how is it different? Would it matter if the guy was a 98-pound weakling and the girl was Ronda Rousy?It is completely different than hitting a guy.
I disagree. Assault and battery don't require that you actually succeed in physically harming a person. It only requires that you did actions that constitute the crime.It doesn't matter who the other person is, in general self defense may be used only to the extent necessary to protect yourself from the force being brought against you, i.e. just because someone starts an alteration does not give you a license to use whatever force you please against them. If her allegation is true that he started it all with a homo slur, that will help with her civil lawsuit against him.
He shouldn't hit her.Again, how is it different? Would it matter if the guy was a 98-pound weakling and the girl was Ronda Rousy?
Haven't chimed in yet, didn't really want to.I disagree. Assault and battery don't require that you actually succeed in physically harming a person. It only requires that you did actions that constitute the crime.
I have a couple different thoughts about it after watching the video a few times. First off, it is very clear that at 0:38 he is turning to leave when she gets up and shoves him. That was unprovoked. He then shoves back with more force. She then proceeds to put her hands up near the neck or the face (I can't tell if that is a slap or not) and he then smacks her very hard and knocks her to the ground. Very disproportional and clearly not self-defense.
However, I do want to say that I do think she was accountable for at least instigating what amounts to physical assault. She shoves, then he shoves, she appears to slap, then he appears to slap back much harder. Does the capability to do harm matter? What if we replace this girl with a 98 pound weakling guy? Would we then be saying it was self-defense and he was just defending himself.
Also, as a society we need to accept that women are not all frail, helpless creatures. Most girls now participate in athletics and adult women go to the gym. Many are very capable of doing harm. We shouldn't give one gender a free pass to commit what amounts to assault as long as it involves anther gender. Again, if we replace Mixon with a female athlete, would we still view this the same way?
Haven't chimed in yet, didn't really want to.
There are 3 answers as I see it.
1. Do nothing and walk away. (Nothing bad comes your way here)
2. Don't retaliate and report the gal. (Nothing bad comes your way here)
3. Fight back and put your fate in the hands of the legal system. (The backlash in this thread alone says plenty)
IMHO, 1 & 2 are really the only options.
I never saw anything in the video that indicated he was going to physically attack her friend. He probably said something that provoked her, but words alone don't indicate a threat to someone's safety. I believe she was drunk and emotional and that played a part in her reaction, but the same may well be said of Mixon. In the end, I believe Mixon did deserve to be charged with battery. Her? I'm not sure. My point is that society and the legal system should not make this out to be entirely one-sided and completely exonerate her of any fault for what happened.If you read the story behind the video, it seems that Mixon was looking for trouble when he came in. She stated didn't know the guy. When he threatened her friend, she pushed Mixon to get him away from her friend. Then she slapped him when he called her friend some homophobic slur. It was not exactly hurting this tough guy when he decked her with all his might. I would say the force was entirely disproportionate to what was needed to handle this female who was only defending her friend.
3) clearly warranted his arrest. But if 2) might well have led to her arrest, why is it negated because he did something after step 2? that's where I have an issue with the legal system when it involves altercations like this. You can't ignore the prior actions of one party just because they are smaller and less likley to result in injury.
It is completely different than hitting a guy. Could you imagine someone punching your mom?
There is no situation that a woman deserves to be laid out like that. Regardless, of what happened first. What kind of psycho hits a girl like that, after a push and open hand slap. Quit trying to justify it. Anyone that does that, and the ppl that stick up for their actions are giant pieces of shit!
Is your mom stupid enough to push and slap someone she doesn't know and has no idea how that person will react?
Bill Burr is great. I just can't understand blaming the victim here. I understand it's a new world. Women want to be equals, but in a situation like this, he isn't scared for his well being. He's a punk, trying to start shit with a gay boy, and ending up knocking out a girl. Badass!
In the same situation she probably would have, because she would of stuck up for her friend, who gay or not, doesn't deserve to be intimidated and called names by anyone.
He could of killed her, hitting her like that. Any man on here saying this is okay, because he got a slap in the face, is freaking ridiculous!
If your mom doesn't have the emotional maturity to deal with the situation differently than the girl in the video, then yes I can imagine her getting decked.
She could've poked him in the eye causing permanent damage denying him a possible position on an NFL roster. I know it's not as exciting, but try limiting the discussion to what actually happened instead of a bunch of hypothetical situations.