I know there is this idea that teachers are crazy woke but what you see on a TiKTok is really a super tiny %.
Most of us are "normal". We come to work, we do our job, we pretend to know our students names, we act like we just might "Make it to their game vs _______ high school tonight" and we go home.
I teach in a Class A school and I can say that the more far left and far right teachers in the building are totally normal with the students.
Most of us, just like most of you non-teachers, just don't want to get hassled or create more issues/work for ourselves.
I know more teachers that freak out about hall passes, restroom passes and library passes (librarians are insane about passes) than I do crazy lefties or crazy righties.
There are people in my family who are teachers at a federal school. They are normal, they seem to really care about their students.
The commute is probably my biggest issue (I get massive road rage/drive really fast). I also know how federal school is basically just a daycare. Unless a student does sports (I can't just create a league), there isn't anything done in school that I couldn't do myself. So I figure, why not homeschool? I think she will like it more once she realizes she can still hang with friends. I think that's her biggest concern.