Grass coming to Memorial Stadium after 2025 season

Attended the game at South Bend, I didn’t notice the grass field or didn’t think too much about it.. What fascinated me more was all the red in that studuim and how the ND fan’s sold their tickets for a pretty penny. I believe we paid $110 a ticket and there was 4 of us..

Have a picture in my living room of the stadium in the end zone looking toward Touchdown Jesus in the back round..
I was there too. The thing I remember the most was the incredible number and length of TV timeouts. They really seemed to affect the tempo of the game. Plus, between all the TOs and going into overtime, it seemed like a 4 hour game (was 3:19 actually). ND had that exclusive contract with NBC at the time. What I didn't know at the time was that was the future of college football and all the games take forever now.

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