
You know, and I don't want to start another UCF war here, but you would think that having a complete new set of coaches at UCF that they would have had some sort of hiccup during the season. Not necessarily a loss, but real close shaves, yet UCF hasn't missed a beat this year.

It's rare when a whole new staff moves in and things just get or stay great, usually growing pains happen. And then we have this year at Nebraska. I believe the talent level between Purdue and Nebraska is close, but the staff just can't seem to make inroads with the players and make the team better week after week. Don't know if anything gets better this season.
You know, and I don't want to start another UCF war here, but you would think that having a complete new set of coaches at UCF that they would have had some sort of hiccup during the season. Not necessarily a loss, but real close shaves, yet UCF hasn't missed a beat this year.

It's rare when a whole new staff moves in and things just get or stay great, usually growing pains happen. And then we have this year at Nebraska. I believe the talent level between Purdue and Nebraska is close, but the staff just can't seem to make inroads with the players and make the team better week after week. Don't know if anything gets better this season.

Jeff Brohm is far and away a better coach than Scott Frost ... and I thought that before today. Frost is no savior.. pelini was better
Jeff Brohm is far and away a better coach than Scott Frost ... and I thought that before today. Frost is no savior.. pelini was better
STFU, moron. If Brohm is so good, then why does he have a losing record so far this year?
Calls a rollout to the left with a right handed QB to the weak side on 4th down......

No. Just no.
Apparently you are under the assumption that a human being cannot be effective rolling to their left. If the QB gets proper depth and shoulders pointed to their target like QBs are coached then whatever side you roll out to does not matter.
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Did no one notice the improved play in the second half? Or are you so he’ll bent on the hate that you won’t see it?
I noticed, defense made some stops, some drives kept alive by penalties for Purdue which led to their second half scores. IMO the offense plays better when they play with really fast tempo.
Jeff Brohm is far and away a better coach than Scott Frost ... and I thought that before today. Frost is no savior.. pelini was better
His UCF team last year would have blown the doors off of both Purdue and Nebraska, this year and last year. Comments like this tells me you have never coached a day in your life.
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Not to mention the fact that i'm pretty sure ozigbo was the target on that play and he was wide open and defender on him had fallen down. If true freshman qb hadn't of crapped his pants and made the easy throw it probably was a big play if not a touchdown.
Bruce, after all the talk from you this offseason about Frost and talks of a savior, I’m surprised you feel this way. Give the guy a chance with his players and he’ll be fine. Just takes some (painful, very painful) time.

Meanwhile, enjoy UCF’s National Champs tour.

~sincerely everyone from UCF’s board.

Ps, I’m on the UCF side that wants Scott Frost to succeed. Most fans of Nebraska that I’ve actually met have been a class group of people, and “that place” is special. I’ll enjoy this season for fans like Bruce, then won’t be surprised when next year is a different story and will root for his success.
Apparently you are under the assumption that a human being cannot be effective rolling to their left. If the QB gets proper depth and shoulders pointed to their target like QBs are coached then whatever side you roll out to does not matter.

Not a freshmen. That was the dumbest call I've ever seen
STFU, moron. If Brohm is so good, then why does he have a losing record so far this year?

Purdue had won 3 Big Ten games combined in the 4 years before Brohm, and had lost 7 straight games. He had them in a bowl game in Year 1. He's a good coach. We'll see in the long run if he's better than Frost.
To the far side with a right handed QB? Hell yes. It's a much higher percentage to he successful.
Not if the defense has numbers to the wide side of the field. To simplistic of an approach to just say sprint out the wide side of the field. What if the play would have worked would it still have been a bad call, because when we did sprint out to the right it did not always work out for us.
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Not if the defense has numbers to the wide side of the field. To simplistic of an approach to just say sprint out the wide side of the field. What if the play would have worked would it still have been a bad call, because when we did sprint out to the right it did not always work out for us.

I called it as soon as he snapped the ball
That is the concensus of the group I watched with tonight. Honeymoon is over. Not giving up on Frost by any stretch of the imagination, but seriously scratching our heads about the product he has showcased....
Frost will most likely be successful, however most didn’t want to remember he only has 2YEARS if experience as a head coach...ZERO in a conf filled with coaches at the pinnacle of the profession, and ZERO in a pressure cooker
Is it too plain obvious to say this staff looks inexperienced and over its head?

I’m talking in game decisions and play-calling.

Is there a possibility that Frost was feasting off of a Florida talented UCF team that just needed a kick in the ass and some modernization in their team from old school George O’leary?
Did no one notice the improved play in the second half? Or are you so he’ll bent on the hate that you won’t see it?
Yeah I definitely noticed it and I hope it continues. If we play like that the rest of the way, we'll have a chance in most of our remaining games.

At the same time, you can't rely on a true freshman qb to lead a big comeback. Our defense, offensive line, etc. Need to put our qb in a much better spot to give him some confidence.
Is it too plain obvious to say this staff looks inexperienced and over its head?

I’m talking in game decisions and play-calling.

Is there a possibility that Frost was feasting off of a Florida talented UCF team that just needed a kick in the ass and some modernization in their team from old school George O’leary?
Kind of what I'm been trying to say.
Frost will most likely be successful, however most didn’t want to remember he only has 2YEARS if experience as a head coach...ZERO in a conf filled with coaches at the pinnacle of the profession, and ZERO in a pressure cooker

I've said on our board when Frost came to UCF, the prior coach O'Leary was an old school command-and-control disciplinarian. He lost the team at the end though.

When Frosty came on board, those kids would have drank koolaid made out of boiling tar. So Frosts kumbaya, do it for your brother players coach message was exactly what that squad needed. Discipline was already established from prior admin.

Your situation is different. Riley tried to be a players coach. So you go from players coach to player's coach. Discipline is a new concept for Frost. Let's see how it goes.
I've said on our board when Frost came to UCF, the prior coach O'Leary was an old school command-and-control disciplinarian. He lost the team at the end though.

When Frosty came on board, those kids would have drank koolaid made out of boiling tar. So Frosts kumbaya, do it for your brother players coach message was exactly what that squad needed. Discipline was already established from prior admin.

Your situation is different. Riley tried to be a players coach. So you go from players coach to player's coach. Discipline is a new concept for Frost. Let's see how it goes.

Interesting take. Never thought about it in this way.
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Is it too plain obvious to say this staff looks inexperienced and over its head?

I’m talking in game decisions and play-calling.

Is there a possibility that Frost was feasting off of a Florida talented UCF team that just needed a kick in the ass and some modernization in their team from old school George O’leary?

I love Frost and it pains me to see him like that. For the record, I’d take Frost back today and call it just a big misunderstanding if he wanted...

...that said, your last part isn’t too far off. There’s a lot of hype about how he took over an 0-12 team and turned it around. But what no one remembers/mentions is that we were conference champions the year prior to the 0-12 season. The wheels just fell off in O’Leary’s last retirement year... but we weren’t an 0-12 team talent-wise. The team was packed with talent, it just needed some life breathed back into it...
Long time UCF fan here. The cupboard was not at all bare when Frost took over. Smith, Akins, Griffin twins, etc were all GOL recruits. That 0-12 season was an abomination and in no way indicative of the talent level.

Frost screwed up plenty in 2016 and easily won 6 games.

He is a very good coach and recruiter, he doesn’t have the pieces yet to run his system at Nebraska.

That said watch out for Chinander. He’s in over his head as a DC and would probably still be a position coach if it weren’t for Frost.