That is some serious revisionist history. Foley had a good track record as a ST Coach and I don’t recall anyone questioning his hiring at the time.
His Special Teams sucked here and he needs to be gone, but the I told you so on this one is kind of comical.
Yeah I didn't know anything about Foley previously. I never questioned his hire. Didn't really have a reason to. After going back and looking he was a pretty good ST coach before he got to Nebraska. He was bad here and there is really no way to spin it otherwise.
But to act like he was a questionable hire is probably misleading. I had a couple hires I questioned and one I hated and KNEW it was an accident waiting to happen. That was Satterfield of course. Even tried against my best judgement to to see the good and repeatedly give him the benefit of the doubt but in the end he was who I thought he was.