Fall Camp Update:Day 5

I'll be thrilled if the Huskers can average 200 - 225 yards rushing per game. If they do that, we are in for a good season.

I also think Tommy will have a strong senior campaign.
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- Sjuts, Riley: "It was a little rusty for everyone." Says today was the first time the Huskers put offensive players vs. defense.

- Mckewon, Practice over. First day in pads. Lengthy run game session on the far field. not always easy to see, but it looked like RBs busted a few.

Passing game was “rusty” in 7 on 7 per Mike Riley. Armstrong threw a Pick Six on the 2nd play of the session. Chris Jones stepped in front.

- MRI went out with a knee injury in word on status.
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More Notes

— Langsdorf said transfer quarterback Tanner Lee has been getting work with Nebraska’s newcomers, and looks comfortable in the huddle. “He looks like a guy who has played three years of college football,” Langsdorf said.

— Senior quarterback Ryker Fyfe said he is in the best shape of his career.

— Langsdorf said none of Nebraska’s three running backs have really distinguished themselves from the other. Look for situational use of that group this season.

— Langsdorf also said that freshman wide receiver Derrion Grim looks like a strong candidate to play this year.He also said that a lineman or two could have a shot, but it’s early. Langsdorf said the staff has been pleased with Tre Bryant, but that cracking the top three will be difficult because of Newby, Wilbon and Ozigbo.
That is a phenomenal quote from Langsdorf about success. Haven't heard that one before but I am definitely using it.
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Sounds as if Tommy was Tommy, 3-8 w/ 2 picks. One a pick 6. I hope that means the DBs were great not Tommy making bad throws. But I think I know which one it was...
Sounds as if Tommy was Tommy, 3-8 w/ 2 picks. One a pick 6. I hope that means the DBs were great not Tommy making bad throws. But I think I know which one it was...
Plus both Langs and HCMR said there was trouble hitting the number 2 if the primary was covered. If it keeps up they my want to make sure Ryker is getting reps and may want to rethink Patrick's shirt.
Plus both Langs and HCMR said there was trouble hitting the number 2 if the primary was covered. If it keeps up they my want to make sure Ryker is getting reps and may want to rethink Patrick's shirt.
Well its scary. Your questioning is fair; and one has to prepare. IMO, its the first practice ; at the same time any well experienced starting qb shouldn't do so poorly, or it ought to be his one time worst. .... I believe the cb's are capable of jumping routes; and were showing aggression late last year - that explains one. The other sounds like there was a rb in the area of a pass thrown to a LB ( not uncommon last year )... TA could find himself situational on bad days. Its not a right to be the starter. Our 3rd teamer is probably as good a running equivalent; but maybe can't make the jump in passing. Fyfe could really show up; he probably has more legs than the coaches are used to; so no drawback there.,,, Letting the freshman practice against lower units; could have helped him hone fundamentals against talent; while learning under less pressure ( not a bad tactic ). Plus the coaches were still moving from good to great overall relationships with the team. Letting TA have his time to make the leap and lead over the summer; probably a good choice, or so it worked out. Coach does have a history of taking a freshman and playing him into a star at qb. TA can kill an opponent; but his bad times are amplified and should be dealt with. GBR
Plus if they start POB it really changes the tone of the season from "I think they should win at least 9 games" to "Well, POB is a true freshmen so we knew that Fresno was a team that could beat us"

Maybe we need to relax. It was 7 on 7 so there was really no threat of a run all. Sort of changes what the defense does.
I think we all know who TA is. He hasn't changed in 3 years and optimism most likely won't change him in year 4. Let's hope that Langs can help him or a backup figure it out.
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I think we all know who TA is. He hasn't changed in 3 years and optimism most likely won't change him in year 4. Let's hope that Langs can help him or a backup figure it out.
Totally agree...The plan should be bootleg and waggle passes to have easier reads and run options, screen game and some go routes.

No reason to reinvent the wheel
Everyone needs to calm down. It was one freaking drill. The first one in full pads. No, I am not claiming Armstrong will change very much. But give the coaches credit for learning from last year. If we can run the ball this year I think Riley will run it more. These coaches know how important winning is this year for their future. So while everyone on here is going crazy over Armstrong's problems, I will be more interested in the development of our offensive line and running backs. As our running game goes this year so will go our season.
F'in A people. It was the first padded practice. The coaches stated that everyone was not in sync. If during the first scrimmage this stuff keeps up I might have some worry, but until we actually get some reps in, calm down. I know it's TA's past, but it is the 1ST PADDED PRACTICE!!
F'in A people. It was the first padded practice. The coaches stated that everyone was not in sync. If during the first scrimmage this stuff keeps up I might have some worry, but until we actually get some reps in, calm down. I know it's TA's past, but it is the 1ST PADDED PRACTICE!!
Yep-I swear some people sit around just waiting to jump on something they can criticize.
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If he was 8/8 with 3 tds would we all be saying he's great and were going undefeated? Of course not, it was one drill and we have an enormous sample size to draw from to form a pretty good projection of what he'll be this year. The idea of more time with this staff and just an increase in reps should give us hope for at least a slight improvement but he probably is what he is. Likely if he shows great improvement this year it'll be more of the staff highlighting his strengths and minimizing his weaknesses with play calling, keeping the offense on schedule, etc.
Tommy is not the type of QB that is ideal or even in the optimal range for the type of offense Langs and MR want to run. It would seem that he is however heads and shoulders above the rest in terms of talent + game experience. He had essentially two years of starting experience before this staff showed up and now has a third. So play calling will naturally need to fit what he does the best and minimize what he does worst. This is not a complicated issue really.
Tommy is not the type of QB that is ideal or even in the optimal range for the type of offense Langs and MR want to run. It would seem that he is however heads and shoulders above the rest in terms of talent + game experience. He had essentially two years of starting experience before this staff showed up and now has a third. So play calling will naturally need to fit what he does the best and minimize what he does worst. This is not a complicated issue really.
You are right. The total lack of quality depth at that position is damn near criminal. We have no choice but to roll with him; hoping the coaches can game plan away from his weaknesses better than last year.
You are right. The total lack of quality depth at that position is damn near criminal. We have no choice but to roll with him; hoping the coaches can game plan away from his weaknesses better than last year.

I think you should earmark this post because I think Tommy is going to prove a lot of people wrong with a strong senior campaign. "no choice but to roll with him" is not how I would characterize Tommy as a player or quarterback. Did he experience growing pains last year in a new system? Absolutely. Do I think it will pay off in spades this season? 100%.

I think he will be near the top of the conference in terms of his play on the field, second maybe only to JT Barrett (Ohio State.) I would take him over pretty much every remaining QB in the league, so that is certainly more than "no choice but to roll with him."
I think you should earmark this post because I think Tommy is going to prove a lot of people wrong with a strong senior campaign. "no choice but to roll with him" is not how I would characterize Tommy as a player or quarterback. Did he experience growing pains last year in a new system? Absolutely. Do I think it will pay off in spades this season? 100%.

I think he will be near the top of the conference in terms of his play on the field, second maybe only to JT Barrett (Ohio State.) I would take him over pretty much every remaining QB in the league, so that is certainly more than "no choice but to roll with him."

We all hope to heck you are right.
I, for one, am a bit gun shy as I have heard the exact same thing after TA's freshman and then sophomore years and now the same after a junior year where he nearly led the nation in INTs. He has 3 years of starts under his belt - the only way to keep TA from making horrible decisions is to neuter him with play calls. We have the best group of WRs in the league and their talents are severely dampened by who we have pulling the trigger
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Maybe our secondary is better...last year we heard TA only had 2 INTS in practice all did that turnout? Multiple TOs and the worst pass D in school history to begin the season.

I think it's good, doesn't give a false sense of hope....also it was mentioned there were drops in practice, particularly Brandon Reilly.
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I think you should earmark this post because I think Tommy is going to prove a lot of people wrong with a strong senior campaign. "no choice but to roll with him" is not how I would characterize Tommy as a player or quarterback. Did he experience growing pains last year in a new system? Absolutely. Do I think it will pay off in spades this season? 100%.

I think he will be near the top of the conference in terms of his play on the field, second maybe only to JT Barrett (Ohio State.) I would take him over pretty much every remaining QB in the league, so that is certainly more than "no choice but to roll with him."
I agree. I do not like Armstrong's tendency to throw ill-advised pics. Heck, the one game I flew to Lincoln for last year was Iowa. A game we would have won if Tommy had not made bad choices. Still, I love his leadership, athleticism, and play making abilities. The dude is a gamer and I love his heart. If the coaches can get him to play within his skill set, and call plays that match that skill set, I predict a great season for him and the team.

I have noticed one thing about Armstrong though that rarely gets mentioned. I don't think he is a good "bad weather" quarterback. His two worst games last year, Illinois and Iowa, were both played in bad weather. Illinois was very wet and cool and windy. Iowa was bitterly cold and windy. Just an observation....
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Tommy's style is more like what you would find in the back yard.. you make it up as you go.. there are less rules, you improvise.. you say Hey Westy, go deep on that guy this time.. etc

The pro style system is rigid with less freedom and with checks and this and that and doesn't really allow him to just be an athlete and play.

Do you remember when he used to throw those huge bombs, mostly on target.. haven't seen that in a long time..

Part of me thinks if they would just turn him loose, let him call what he wants, and cut out all the detailed decision making, we might get better production from him.
Part of me thinks if they would just turn him loose, let him call what he wants, and cut out all the detailed decision making, we might get better production from him.
Not a ridiculous suggestion. If you recall when FSU won a National Title with Charlie Ward at QB, it took Bobby Bowden to basically do the same thing and let the athlete do his own thing. That's gotta be a very difficult decision as a head coach, but in that case, it was one that resulted in success.
Not a ridiculous suggestion. If you recall when FSU won a National Title with Charlie Ward at QB, it took Bobby Bowden to basically do the same thing and let the athlete do his own thing. That's gotta be a very difficult decision as a head coach, but in that case, it was one that resulted in success.
I totally get what you guys are saying. The coaches track the results of when he follows the system and when he doesn't - every intelligent thing I have seen posted is he is worse when he goes playground. UCLA game wasn't going playground - or beating Georgia; our coaches game plan throwing bombs, its part of their plan to keep the D honest. TA can absolutely do it in this system as modified and as suggested by many.
Someone had a great breakdown of him last year; he had multiple quarters completing over 70% in this system. Its when he audibles a lot or goes playground his %'s have dropped to the twenties and the interceptions come. I think they should pull him when he gets jumpy and then reinsert him. He is a very real talent.
Passes to uncovered linebackers and linemen near the goal line shouldn't be seen often or at all past middle school; ugh.
Looking at posts; if seen at an extreme; Are we suggesting falling into a trap of letting a low 50% passer, who throws a lot of crazy interceptions, run around in circles whenever he wants? How about a rb that reverses every time a hole starts to close and breaks one once in a while - but fumbles and tries to lateral a lot , sound like a starter ?
I would rather try Fyfe and others or rotate them in for relief to spell his bad spots.But I -2 more victories and the ridicule of a runaway qb ( won't happen and even TA would say change something ), don't add up to ok for me.
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I totally get what you guys are saying. The coaches track the results of when he follows the system and when he doesn't - every intelligent thing I have seen posted is he is worse when he goes playground. UCLA game wasn't going playground - or beating Georgia; our coaches game plan throwing bombs, its part of their plan to keep the D honest. TA can absolutely do it in this system as modified and as suggested by many.
Someone had a great breakdown of him last year; he had multiple quarters completing over 70% in this system. Its when he audibles a lot or goes playground his %'s have dropped to the twenties and the interceptions come. I think they should pull him when he gets jumpy and then reinsert him. He is a very real talent.
Passes to uncovered linebackers and linemen near the goal line shouldn't be seen often or at all past middle school; ugh.
It's hard for me to say for sure to be honest.. The idea is just too much input and thinking, and not enough just go play. I guess what you're saying could be true.. I don't have the results tracked.. but it's rare to see him go through progressions 1,2,3 etc.. I don't know.. I doubt he completing 70% throwing screens, over the middle, or to check down options 2, 3 & 4. I would think there has to be some magic formula in between that works better for him.

Part of the playground problem & solution is when bad Tommy puts us in a hole. It is usually only then that good Tommy shows up. It is hard to give him credit for cleaning up his own mess, but sitting him afterwards, while normally the right move, may not be the best for TA, because you want him to go get you back out of that hole.

I don't have the answers, but sometimes he can be so talented, and other times leave you wondering wth.
I think you should earmark this post because I think Tommy is going to prove a lot of people wrong with a strong senior campaign. "no choice but to roll with him" is not how I would characterize Tommy as a player or quarterback. Did he experience growing pains last year in a new system? Absolutely. Do I think it will pay off in spades this season? 100%.

I think he will be near the top of the conference in terms of his play on the field, second maybe only to JT Barrett (Ohio State.) I would take him over pretty much every remaining QB in the league, so that is certainly more than "no choice but to roll with him."
He'll put up big numbers, always has. If history holds, he'll win a lot of games for us, but he'll lose some games for us with decisions that will make you go bald. I can't wait to be proven wrong.
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I'm extremely jealous of the access you guys get from the coaching staff. All we get is one open practice for the public and one 10 minute session with media access. I'd love the chance to dissect every bit of information because let's be honest, that's what we do.