Danica Patrick is Dating Aaron Rodgers

Meh, step down from Olivia Munn. He's Aaron f ing Rodgers!!

The fact that he is out of her league just means that she is a full-service girl and it is well known. Like she volunteers the stuff your wife/girlfriend will still freak about you bringing up even when she's so wasted you have to drag her into the house.

I now think Danica Patrick is way freaking smokin' hawt.
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No wonder she kicked Ricky Stenhouse to the curb - traded up for some NFL talent. One thing they have in common is plenty of cash in the bank account (although her income is about to take a major dive so she might need a sugar daddy to keep her in Lambos and private jets)
Danica Patrick might be hot, but I want a woman that doesn't make me feel like I'm sleeping next to an underage girl. Gotta have some decent rackage.
Don't need much rackage.
I like not crazy.

Phone tried to change rackage to package.
rackage good. Package bad in girl friend....not that there's anything wrong with...well yeah there is.
Don't need much rackage.
I like not crazy.

Phone tried to change rackage to package.

Not crazy is always a plus. But we're talking women here. Bigger than average boobs makes up for a lot.
Not crazy is always a plus. But we're talking women here. Bigger than average boobs makes up for a lot.
Are you still in high school? More than a mouthful's a waste. Another favorite saying from a cow vet was "sloppy tits means sloppy ass"...he was talking about dairy cows I think.
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lets ponder that one for a while....

Not much to ponder, unless you're into sleeping with underage girls. But I feel an obligation at this juncture to tell you that it's illegal. :D
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