This, for starters, a video clip from 60 Minutes - unless you think they are a right wing mouthpiece. You remind me of the reporter at the 1:30 mark - he is stunned that police have pulled back. To us "uneducated" people, as the media likes to paint us, this is simple common sense. To you "intellectuals", it is uncomprehendable.
Before we go further, I'm not on that "cops are all racist" shit. A lot you guys think I am, and I'm not.
I haven't found evidence that policing is inherently racist. I have not seen measurables that bear that out when I have looked into the matter. That included research for my term paper for a psychology of race class in college. Can't support that hypothesis.
What I
am on is that "for their own safety, the good cops can't cover up for the bad cops" shit. So when one of them does shoot somebody and it was a total screwup, they need to face the consequences. Which is really all anyone reasonably is asking if you pay attention.
The problems and corruption within CAPS were (and probably still are) profound. Perhaps you recall the scandal they pulled on their heads after trying to suppress video and generally trying to cover up what happened in
this incident. In which the cop shot that dude 16 times. Again, if people were firing a couple shots I could start to understand. It's bullets say...4-16 where I start to have trouble following along. They tried their assess of to keep that video from getting out and about the time it looked like it could cost Rahm an election, golly the video got loose. Which is so delightfully Chicago of them.
You may not have heard about
this fun little place where they had a habit of being conveniently bad at record keeping. There's a word to describe taking people to a secret detention site and not telling anyone or booking them through the judicial system: illegal.
Watch out because I'm about to start sounding oddly Libertarian on you:
If Chicago police want to stick to the script and do their jobs by the book, to that I say GOOD. That's what you're supposed to be doing. I won't lose sleep at night worry about Officer Tryhard getting discouraged and no longer wanting to go in on every JDLR he rolls by.
You ever get pulled over on one of those, "thought you were someone else" stops? I have. Where they pull you over and the cop gets the window and looks at you like, "ahhhhhh, who the f are you?" Then he's gotta go through the motions and comes back with a warning like, 'yeah you uh, were a little outside your lane back there.' Sure thing buddy. Good luck finding the actual guy with the car that looks like mine. Be a real shame not to have those in my life.
If doing your job right means you don't want to do it any more, there's the door. Get gone. Being a cop ain't for everyone and nobody is forcing them to do it. There's no cop draft. If you're out because you can't just murder somebody if you get pissed off, then good, get out.
The laws apply to everyone. Cops are there to enforce the law by making arrests, not reinvent it my carrying out executions.