Calipari and his excuses

Originally posted by LuckyHusker2:
Calapari is slime but you can't name one thing he has ever personally done to make him a bad person?

People love to spout accusations, but it is usually people that have no idea about a particular situation. Most everyone that bad mouths Calipari really know nothing about him or his program. Instead, they just let out nonsense they heard from somewhere else so they assume it must be true. "How can a good coach get all that talent and have such great teams?...must be a cheater."

You go talk to people that cover the Kentucky program in depth, and I'm not talking about fans or local media, and they will have great things to say about Calipari as a coach and a leader of young men.

Very successful people are polarizing, that's for sure, but it mainly stems from jealousy.
Sigh. Give it a rest already.. I don't give a rat's ass how well or poorly his team's have done. I do care, however, when I see someone associated with 2 teams that have had their Final Fours vacated. As someone has already said, where there is smoke, there is usually fire.

If this is all about jealousy, then why do I like Coach K, who has had much more success than Calipari?
And ITT we find out who is capable of critical thinking and who is just a sheep following the rest of the mouthbreathers. #Informative
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Ssmith, not even sure what that means. Critical thinking goes both ways... It also means recognizing the possibility of wrongdoing on Cal's part. Not the reality of wrongdoing, but the possibility, which some on here don't want to consider. Mouthbreathing? Guess you know from experience?
coach cal isn't a bad person at all. everybody just wants to hate him and think he is scum because of what happened at umass and memphis even though neither of those allegations involved any wrong doing on his part. cal is actually one of the very few coaches left in college basketball that truly cares about his players and helping them reach their dreams of playing in the nba.
So I'm curious... Not saying Cal is a bad guy, not saying he's a good guy. The reality is, I don't know him, and can't say one way or the other. Some searches I have made regarding Cal indicates that there are many
NCAA coaches who don't care for the guy. Does that make him bad? Not
necessarily. Maybe he is easy to bash, I don't know...

I have no doubt he goes to bat for his players... This thread has
proven that just by watching the video. That is not a bad thing for a
coach to do at all. And he does welcome the one and done players with
open arms, and uses them incredibly well together. Again, not a bad

All of this being said, I can't shake the sense that he FEELS like a slick guy... I'm sorry to say that, but there it is. This doesn't make him a bad guy automatically, but I have to admit, my opinion of him is definitely impacted by the negative things I have heard.

To those that are defending him, do you honestly believe that he has done nothing wrong? Those who are saying that he was not implicated in any wrongdoing, do you actually believe he has been squeaky clean? Please don't tell me that everyone cheats, even coach K, I am asking about Cal here and what you truly believe. Having final 4 appearances vacated from 2 different schools under his watch is pretty hard to justify, even if he wasn't "implicated" in any wrongdoing. Does that mean he just has the worst luck among top coaches in college basketball? We don't see this happening to Coach K, Bill Self, Bo Ryan, Tom Izzo, Billy Donavan, Rick Pitino, and on and on...
Oh he's a little slick, no doubt. But that's a far cry from what some are suggesting. Do I want him dating my daughter? No. But he can coach my favorite team any day, at least until he does something criminal or is shown to have done what so many people think he has done, but has never been proven.
Originally posted by litespeedhuskerfan:

Oh he's a little slick, no doubt. But that's a far cry from what some are suggesting. Do I want him dating my daughter? No. But he can coach my favorite team any day, at least until he does something criminal or is shown to have done what so many people think he has done, but has never been proven.
This I can understand... with some reservations, since I do have some concerns, but I can understand this. Obviously, the issue in this thread is perception versus reality. Some are heavily weighing perception (I admit I fall in this category), while others are recognizing reality (He hasn't been charged of any wrongdoing).

If he is innocent of all wrongdoing, I feel bad for the guy, because the negativity thrown his direction is shared by fans and coaches alike, unfairly so.
don't want to highjack the thread but it always seems odd to me how revered Barry Switzer is among Husker fans when he was as slimy as they came, was a world class cheat and that game cost Nebraska multiple additional conf championships and possibly a national championship or 2.
I saw nothing wrong with what Calipari said on the video...

Agree that if Kaminsky, or any other white guy, had said that to any black guy the fire would still be burning.

I do not agree for one second that K is a better coach than Cal...I think that anybody at that level is as good as any of their peers.

How can you hate Duke? Note difference in UW foul totals from 1st and 2nd half, after K crying about that at half...better be prepared to play the refs when playing Duke.

Rumored on Twitter that UW had several players that didn't shake hands...True or not???

UK fan here(BB only), and UNL fan of course....

Originally posted by RedMack:
I saw nothing wrong with what Calipari said on the video...

Agree that if Kaminsky, or any other white guy, had said that to any black guy the fire would still be burning.

I do not agree for one second that K is a better coach than Cal...I think that anybody at that level is as good as any of their peers.

How can you hate Duke? Note difference in UW foul totals from 1st and 2nd half, after K crying about that at half...better be prepared to play the refs when playing Duke.

Rumored on Twitter that UW had several players that didn't shake hands...True or not???

UK fan here(BB only), and UNL fan of course....

I understand this to a point, but if the refs were siding with Duke, why did two of Duke's stars have to battle foul trouble all night? I saw in another thread that the fouls were obvious, but calling fouls can be so subjective... If the refs were on Duke's side, it doesn't make one bit of sense to have two of their players on the bench for large chunks of the game...

Say what you want about the difference from the first half to the second half, but the two players in foul trouble in the first half stayed in foul trouble in the second half as well. Why is that?
You so sassy timnsun. The fact is the only evidence available suggest Cal is clean (see two NCAA investigations cleared him) and the only way that you believe he is dirty is a laughable jump in logic. Which could easily be applied to Dr. Tom and the accusations of roiding, etc. Its laughable how bad the American education system is failing teaching people basic logic, but #yolo I guess...
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Originally posted by ssmith84:
You so sassy timnsun. The fact is the only evidence available suggest Cal is clean (see two NCAA investigations cleared him) and the only way that you believe he is dirty is a laughable jump in logic. Which could easily be applied to Dr. Tom and the accusations of roiding, etc. Its laughable how bad the American education system is failing teaching people basic logic, but #yolo I guess...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Maybe I was being a little sassy, but are you seriously gonna say, with all the stuff that's out there, that this guy is as clean as a whistle? Seriously?

I think it takes an even bigger mouthbreather to believe this than it does to consider the possibility that he has done some shady things, but done them well enough that he didn't get caught.

Now let me be clear, because you don't seem to read my posts very well. I am not saying he is a bad guy or a cheater. And to be even more clear, I will say it one more time... I am not saying he is a bad guy or a cheater. But to say that he is clean because they didn't have the evidence doesn't automatically make it so.

Just think about it for a second... There are people throughout all of time who have committed crimes and gotten away with it. They have been pronounced "clean" because the evidence wasn't there to call them dirty. Just because they couldn't find the evidence doesn't automatically make a person clean... It could mean that he covered his tracks. Does this make sense to you, at least just a little bit? Can you consider this as a possibility, or are you gonna continue in your mouthbreather ways and say, "Nope, he was cleared of any wrongdoing, so there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that he is a cheater!"

If you truly want to talk about jumps in logic, explain your logic to me. So if I believe that OJ is guilty, did I once again make a laughable jump in logic?

One last time, I am not saying he is a bad guy or a cheater. But what I am saying is, use your brain and consider the possibility that he has done some shady things and just gotten away with it. This is logic... considering the possibilities. Not just spouting NCAA findings... That is the epitome of mouthbreathing... Because we all know that NCAA is above reproach in every way and has never made any mistakes ever...
This thread is filled with ignorance and stupidity. Interested on the OP's thoughts now that we know Harris reached out to Big Frank and they've dealt with it. Is Cal still running his program wrong?

Was Bo Pelini's comments about the fans bush league? What about when Nebraska coach has a classless moment?
It's best to drop the OJ crap because its a laughable comparison for no fewer than a dozen reasons.

What I am saying is:
1. Go off available evidence with Cal. He was cleared twice. If the NCAA had thought he was responsible at UMASS they damn sure would have made something stick at Memphis. But, they didnt find crap twice. All we know is that he was cleared twice.

2. And back to the original point, there is no evidence to back up the hilarious assertion that Cal is a bad human being. So many chances to put up evidence and nothing.

3. If people want to use potential NCAA rule violations as a guide for moral judgment they might want to brush up on the NCAA paying a known felon for testimony against Miami or the hundreds of pages released about the NCAA railroading USC. Not exactly something I'd want to base beliefs about being a good or bad person off...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Smithy, I grant you available evidence as a viable argument. I have stated repeatedly I'm not saying he's a bad man or a cheater.

But when you started calling those who disagreed with your assessment as mouthbreathers, I took exception. It is not out of the realm of possibility that he did some things and never got caught. But you refuse to acknowledge that as a possibility, no matter how remote. Instead, you call us out as mouthbreathers who don't know what logic is, calling it laughable.

Obviously OJ is a bad example, used tongue in cheek. I just don't understand why it is so hard for you to admit Cal could have done some shady things to get the reputation that he has with a lot of people, both coaches and fans.

I have said repeatedly it may not be warranted. But at least I'm being open to all possibilities.

For the most part, I've always felt Cal is very well spoken, and he has done amazing things where ever he has been in college. He has shown an ability to coach as well as recruit top talent. But for some reason, he doesn't seem to be as well respected, both in the coaching community and among fans.

I suppose what I'm guilty of is imposing what I think I would do in that situation to what he should do. If I were the coach I would do something more than just shrug off the behavior of my players. As I stated in a previous post ITT, maybe he didn't shrug it off behind closed doors... We really don't know.

Before the penn state Maryland FB game last year Maryland team captains refused to shake hands with penn state captains. Head coach Randy Edsall apologized for his team's had sportsmanship. "That is not who we are," Edsall said, minutes after his team won 20-19. "Our emotions got the best of us, and we've got to be above that. So I just want to say ... I apologize for that. Feel bad for that."

It would have been nice for Cal to at least acknowledge that much. He talked abt kids being kids and doing dumb things, and I'm glad he acknowledged that, but it would have been nice if he would have done a little more, imho.
"This is Kentucky. We do whatever we want." Calipari yesterday when asked abut losing so many players to the NBA.

That should help fuel some of the firestorm that is hatred for all things Calipari.
IMHO the only reason he reached out to "Big Frank" was he was caught saying it and wanted to limit the backlash from the media and to try and stop any further damage to the public's perception of him.

I didn't say Cal was running his "overall" program wrong did I?? I said it was a teachable moment when his players walked off the floor without shaking hands and he did nothing to hold them accountable. All he did was make excuses for them and we wonder why our youth are the way they are. But I also agree with some others on here that say that Cal was a coach of two teams that were sanctioned, as a head coach, you are responsible for the program. Where there is smoke, there is fire. I could be wrong or I could be right, It is only my opinion.

Bo's comments were bush league, whether it was said in confidentiality or not. A classless moment like Bo freaking out on the sidelines...absolutely. Same goes for any coach or administrator.
Originally posted by dacred:
IMHO the only reason he reached out to "Big Frank" was he was caught saying it and wanted to limit the backlash from the media and to try and stop any further damage to the public's perception of him.
No shit, if he wouldn't have got caught it wouldn't be in the media and no one would've known about it.
Originally posted by litespeedhuskerfan:

"This is Kentucky. We do whatever we want." Calipari yesterday when asked abut losing so many players to the NBA.

That should help fuel some of the firestorm that is hatred for all things Calipari.
I'll ask again why Cal is hated and Barry Switzer is revered?
Originally posted by jlb321:

Originally posted by litespeedhuskerfan:

"This is Kentucky. We do whatever we want." Calipari yesterday when asked abut losing so many players to the NBA.

That should help fuel some of the firestorm that is hatred for all things Calipari.
I'll ask again why Cal is hated and Barry Switzer is revered?
If it helps, I hate Barry Switzer.
Originally posted by jlb321:

Originally posted by litespeedhuskerfan:

"This is Kentucky. We do whatever we want." Calipari yesterday when asked abut losing so many players to the NBA.

That should help fuel some of the firestorm that is hatred for all things Calipari.
I'll ask again why Cal is hated and Barry Switzer is revered?
I like both of them. Either one can coach my favorite team any day.