Betts helped off the field according to 1620 the zone

Cartilage gets worn down. Period. As we age in particular our ability to replace worn cells decreases. In the case of chronic inflammation in the joint, the bodies ability to replace damaged chondrocytes does not keep up with the deterioration. Another little emphasized fact is that some non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as aspirin and Ibuprofen actually can hasten deteriorization of cartilage by inhibiting chondroblast recruitment to the injured damaged tissue. It is a complicated biochemical process. You understanding of calcification of chronically inflammed tissues is over simplified. Calling it an immune response is not the usual explanation of the process.
The immune system is responsible (secondarily) for the vast majority of degenerative diseases (possibly even dental cavities).

The "worn out" model is causes by insufficient recovery from normal wear and tear that happens during the day. We are supposed to heal during the night from these micro injuries. Microbes and plant irritants love these areas of inflammation and scar tissue and take up shop. The immune system tries to rid them and an endless battle ensues if nothing is does to stop the influx.
The immune system is responsible (secondarily) for the vast majority of degenerative diseases (possibly even dental cavities).

The "worn out" model is causes by insufficient recovery from normal wear and tear that happens during the day. We are supposed to heal during the night from these micro injuries. Microbes and plant irritants love these areas of inflammation and scar tissue and take up shop. The immune system tries to rid them and an endless battle ensues if nothing is does to stop the influx.
Just stop. You don't have a freaking clue what you're talking about. Dental cavities are not an immune mediated phenomenon.
Could you give me some advice on how to get rid of gout?:)
start off by decreasing your comsumption of protein (meat, fish and poultry). Beyond that, I'm not a physician so I would suggest you make an appointment with your primary care provider. The Mayo Clinic has a great website discussing disease processes, diagnosis and treatments for just about any condition in humans. Just google mayo clinic gout and it should pop up.
start off by decreasing your comsumption of protein (meat, fish and poultry). Beyond that, I'm not a physician so I would suggest you make an appointment with your primary care provider. The Mayo Clinic has a great website discussing disease processes, diagnosis and treatments for just about any condition in humans. Just google mayo clinic gout and it should pop up.

I heard a glass of cherry juice is a good remedy...
Could you give me some advice on how to get rid of gout?:)
Gout is caused by the kidneys inability to sufficiently excrete uric acid and uric acid crystals form. They commonly plant themselves in joints.

Calcium oxalate (spinach) contributes to overtaxing the kidneys and causes oxalate crystals as well as uric acid crystal to form.

Both increase likelihood of cardiac issues.
I heard a glass of cherry juice is a good remedy...
It's kind of amazing how it seems to somewhat randomly affect some people. Family history and being overweight are the main predisposing factors if I remember correctly. I probably consume half or more of my calories as red meat and have never had gout. I've been checked for it due to multiple joints with osteoarthritis but I've never had even remotely elevated uric acid levels. I just played too many sports for too many years and then my work and "hobbies" involve high impact activities often with repetitive motion. In hindsight, I can trace every one of my arthritic joints to either a high impact repetitive action or an injury from sports or work.