I would think the slur of being a "conspiracy theorist" would have died given that the conspiracy theorists were right just about everything when it came to Covid. I'm also hoping there is going to be a lot more conspiracy theories proven right with the transparency the Trump Administration has promised.
I know that I won't convince anyone that the pharmaceutical companies don't have our best interest at heart when it comes to vaccines if the last 4 years and the Covid shot debacle didn't convince you, but I'm a glutton for punishment, so here it goes:
I have two vaccine injured kids. Because of that, I did a lot of research on vaccines and the lack of standard, placebo double blind studies that have been done on them. I'm always amazed at the fact that pharmaceutical companies are the most fined companies in history and have provably put out drugs that they knew were going to cause injury and death but calculated that the money they would make would exceed any fines they would have to pay, so they went ahead and rolled out the drug. They have literally killed thousands of people. And those were with drugs that did go through blind placebo-based testing. However, people somehow think that they found Jesus when it comes to the products that make them the most, that they don't have to do placebo testing on, that the government mandates (so they don't have to market them), and that they have liability protection for.
The "conspiracy theory" and "tinfoil hat" insults are often just a good way to dismiss someone rather than doing the research yourself. To my shame, I did the same thing to my wife's OBGYN when he told us we really needed to research vaccines before we gave them to our kids. Thankfully, many prominent doctors who were right about Covid but mercilessly branded as "quacks", taken before medical boards, and had their licenses threatened or even revoked were awakened and finally did their own research into the childhood vaccine schedule and came to the conclusion that none of the vaccines on the current schedule went through the same rigorous testing that is required of all other pharmaceutical drugs.
So, that's my stance. Call me a kook, quack, or conspiracy theorist all you want, but I was totally unsurprised about everything that came to light about the pharma companies and how they do vaccine safety testing that came out during Covid because I had been dealing with it for 10 years by that time.