B1G Baseball Tourney:FINAL:Mary 8 - Neb 5

Top of 9th. Maryland up.
K. 1 out.
1-3. 2 out.
K. 3 out.

Maryland 5-2
Bottom of the 9th. Purdue up.
FO8. 1 out.
2b7. Man on 2nd. 1 out.
K. 2 out
1b. Runners on corners. 2 out.
4-3. 3 out.

Purdue sent pack'in.
Maryland wins 5-2.
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Baseball has NO TIME limit as we all know unless games run to late and they have to move them to the next day. RollingLaugh
Top of the 9th. Minnesota chasing 4.
1b9. Man on 1st. 0 out.
bb. Men on 1st & 2nd. 0 out.
...pitching change. Josh Levy era 4.24.
K. 1 out
FO7. 2 out
K. 3 out

NW wins
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--------- (1)NEBRASKA vs (5)IOWA ---------
T1:Neb up
FO7. 1 out
K. 2 out
1b7. Man on 1st. 2 out.
E5. Runners on corners. 2 out
LO3. 3 out.

Tied @0.
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B1. IOWA UP. Burkamper pitching.
bb. Man on 1st. 0 out.
...Burkamper control issues early.
FO8. 1 out.
hbp. Men on 1st & 2nd. 1 out.
K. 2 out.
...Burkamper found his off speed control.
...Curve ball looking very good.
LO7. A rope to left. 3 out.
Tied @ 0
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T2. Nebraska up.
bb. Man on 1st. 0 out.
FO7. 1 out.
39: K. 2 out.
14: FO8. 3 out.

Tied 0-0.
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B2. Iowa up.
7: FO7. Diving catch. 1 out
...Iowa fouls off a lot of good pitches.
3: K. 2 out.
9: 3u. 3 out

Tied 0-0
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T3. Neb up.
4: 1b6. Jake on 1st. 0 out.
7: 1b8/9. Runners on corners. 0 out.
11: K. 1 out.
44: K-looking. 2 out
19: 5-4. 4 out

Tied 0-0
4: 6-3. 1 out
1: 1b8
35: K 2 out
...caught stealing 3 out.

Iowa 1-0
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T4. Huskers up.
8: 4-3. 1 out
6: 1b8. Man on 1st. 1 out
39: 6-3. Dbl play. 3 out

Iowa 1-0
B4. Iowa up
44: 3u. 1 out.
5: 1b4. man on 1st. 1out.
7: 4-6. 2 out. man on 1st. 2out
3: 5-3. 3out

Iowa 1-0
T5. Neb up
14: 1b8. Rayburn on 1st. 0out
4: bb. Men on 1st & 2nd.
7: PO2. 1out.
11: 6-4-3. 3outs

Iowa 1-0
Bot 5. Iowa up.
9: 4-3. 1out
4: 6-3. 2out
28: 1b8. Weylan loves us.
1: 1b7. Men on 1st & 2nd. 2out.
35: big JAKE up. 1b8.
...1 run scores. Men on corners. 2out
4: 4-3. 3out.

Iowa 2-0
Top6. Neb up. Lets see if we can finally break through this inning.
44: PO7. 1out
19: 5-4. 2out
8: 1b8. man on 1st. 2out
6: check swing to pitcher. 3out

Down with a wimper again.
Iowa 2-0
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Bot6. Iowa up
5: Burkamper 4 pitch walk :(
7: 5 straight balls. Pitching change. Waldron, 4.33era.

Nebraska doesnt score in their half.
Iowa 2-0
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Bot7. Iowa up
9: K. 1out
4: K. 2out
28: K. 3out. Waldron looks GREAT!

Iowa 2-0
Top8. Neb up
11: 6-3. 1out
44: LO6. 2out
19: 1b8. man on 1st. 2out
8: 1b7. men on 1st & 2nd. 2out
...pitching change. Zach Daniels 3.57era
6: bb. Bases loaded. 2out
39: PO7. 3out. 11men stranded thru 8.

Iowa 2-0
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Bot8. Iowa up
1: 1b8. Man on 1st. 0out
44: PO5. 1out
5: K. 2out. Caught stealing 3out

Iowa 2-0
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I can't believe we tried bunting with men on 1st and 2nd after a walk with a bad pitcher on his heels. Never bunt in college when you have metal bats; unless it's late in the game and you absolutely need 1 run. What a joke.
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Top9. Neb up (Our last chance.)
25: (Roskam pinch hitting). hbp.
4: 1-6. 1out. Myer on 1st. 1out
7: 5-4. 2out. Man on 1st
11: 1b7. 2out, men on 1st & 2nd
44: Big Ben. 1b7. bases loaded,2out
...pitching change.Martching 2.75era
19: K.
Nebraska leaves 14 men on base!
Iowa Wins 2-0
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(4)Maryland vs (1)Nebraska
T1:Maryland up
3: LO6. 1out
5: bb. man on 1st. 1out
42: K. 2out
39: 1b7. men on 1st & 2nd. 2out
6: HR7 3rbi
31: FO7. 3out

Mary 3-0
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B1:Neb up
7: HR7. 0out
39: K. 1out
11: K. 2out
44: 1b8. man on 1st. 2out
19: bb. men on 1 & 2. 2out
25: K. 3out

2 left on :(
MARY 3-1
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T2. Mary up.
4: 5-3. 1out
...pitcher hurt/change. Nate Fisher 4.5era
23: FO6. 2out
1b8. man on 1. 2out
FO8. 3out

Mary 3-1
B2.Neb up
8: bb. man on 1. 0out
6: K. 1out
14: K. 2out
7: K. 3out

2+1=3 left on :(
Mary 3 - 1

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