Every coach at Bama recruits. Every coach at Bama recruits well. Even Joey Freshwater recruits (and not just QBs). Saban believes in recruiting and that doesn't mean just throwing a bunch of $ at it. That means every coach at Bama works his ass off, gets to know their targets, and knows how to sale. Yes the wins obviously make it easier for them but I am sure Saban himself will tell you that the Bama coaches still have to work their asses off in recruiting regardless if they just won a title or not.
Which makes me really shake my head because our staff doesn't have the success as coaches to "wow" commits. Our program has not won anything of importance in the life time of the kids we are now recruiting. But yet half of our staff is dog shit as recruiters and I mean of zero value to the recruiting game.
-Hank Hughes is probably the dullest guy you will ever meet in your life. He's a good X's & O's guy (especially against the run) and always has been. Look at this career and youll ask your self," why has this guy been stuck coaching UConn, Memphis, & Cincy?" Then after meeting him, you will understand
-Bruce Read- Really, do I even have to say anything. Worst coach to ever coach at NU in my life time. Worst recruiter to ever recruit at NU in my life time. He lives off of his buddy's tit and I think he may actually be mentally retarded.
-Reggie Davis - is he back from vacation yet? I think he went on vacation after the bowl game because he didn't do jack shit after. Does he even actively recruit?
-Mike Cavanaugh - I am sure I will take a lot of heat for hating on this guy. When he first came here, like many of you, I got pumped watching his youtube videos. I thought, what a great old man but the fact is, he isn't producing. 3 commits in 2 year. 2 were very, very good (Farnoik & Barnett). But let this sink in, the old staff did a better job at recruiting O-lineman for this class, then Cav did... and lets not even talk about his coaching ability. Good thing he knows people who will support him.
Bray, Stewart, & Williams - Carried this staff in recruiting this season.
Riley did a great job for a HC in the recruiting game. One day I hope this man will realize that a ton of his failure in football was because of his kindness to retaining friends on staff. I am all for helping buddies out but I am also against Cronyism & Nepotism. He decided long ago that being a loser was ok.
Banker & Langsdorf - did what is about expected from a Coordinator in recruiting.
So my point of all this is, look at how hard Bama's coaches work in recruiting. Look how every coach (even the coordinators) get commits. Yes, some of it is do to who they are but those coaches still have to recruit. If they relied on Name only, there are many other "big name" schools that would beat them out for those 5 stars. If they had 4 deadweight coaches in recruiting like NU has, then Bama would drop from the elite but Nick is too smart to ever let that happen. He'd fire a SOB for slacking at recruiting. Riley would never fire anyone.