It is indisputable that different policies will have an affect on the economy and business, so I'm not sure what you are talking about. You don't see the "actual evidence" that tax code kills business? So a corporate tax of 40% vs. 10% would have no affect on where a business sets up shop? You need evidence to prove that? C'mon man. And how do the corporate tax rates in the U.S. compare to the rest of the civilized world?
It's not about a business "surviving in America," it is largely about profits; it's called "business." Yes, there are ways to increase business in America, and one of them is through the tax code. And I don't hold a grudge against those who make a lot of money, and who want to make more. I wouldn't mind being one of them, and instead of bitching about it and judging them for being rich, and maximizing profits, I'm going to work harder to get mine. That used to be the way the U.S. operated, now it is whining about what they didn't get, without even working for it.
Your proof is that he continues to tweet even though his advisors tell him not to? You're really reaching.
No, wage reform is not the answer. Minimum wage jobs are not intended to be jobs that support a family or to give someone a lot of purchasing power. The idea is not that we should jack it all up so that uneducated and / or unskilled people can buy lots of stuff (doing so would have a negative affect on business, and society as a whole). The idea is, or once was, if you don't like your place in life, you do something about it. You work to obtain an education, you work to obtain skill. Now, the message isn't that, it is "we don't get paid enough to flip burgers or deliver pizza."
The middle class is what is most important to the economy, and it is shrinking. Not because the government won't mandate businesses to pay anyone off the street $15.00/hr., but because jobs are going elsewhere, because of government policy.
Do everything you possibly can to stimulate business, businesses open up and grow, and hire more and more people, and low and behold, shit gets made and people buy shit and money keeps flowing. I'm not sure how this doesn't make sense to every single person.