Other hospitals? What other hospitals than the one at UNMC are relevant?
But UNMC is much more than a hospital. It includes “Colleges of Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Public Health, as well as the Munroe-Meyer Institute for Genetics & Rehabilitation and the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer & Allied Diseases. ” Those programs are major research units and are excluded from UNL reporting for potential AAU research ranking purposes.
Here was a NU description of the AAU “problem” in 2023: “Now Nebraska is working on a plan that will include reporting research expenditures from UNL, its flagship campus in Lincoln, in tandem with the University of Nebraska Medical Center located in Omaha. Currently, Carter said, Nebraska ranks 117th nationally for federal research and development dollars. But changing the organizational structure to combine R&D reporting would bump Nebraska to 66th.”
I assume the devil is in the details or Carter’s plan would have been adopted.