"It's so different now," Sanders admitted. "Most of the schooling is online. They go to classes and I'm like, 'You guys are missing the best part of college to walk around and be on campus and build an atmosphere and build relationships on campus with other students outside of football. That's the best part of it.
I agree 100%. Not that I "made friends" while walking on campus but part of the excitement or romanticized version of college is walking on campus, the old buildings, the students, the Union, there is something special about it. Walking to class with a friend or two from your dorm or Frat, bullshitting during the walk.
It is like golf, I love golfing MORE for the social aspect of talking to my friends. I won't golf alone, that sounds boring to me.
During covid so many students dropped out because their life was online classes and sitting your their dorm room. That is not college.