Scott Frost

The Florida job isn't opening up. The guy is 16-4 in conference play and won the SEC East the last two seasons. They are only one game behind Georgia.

There are always delusional fans with every fanbase that wants a winning head coach fired after any loss. It is now those morons vent in life.

The case with Riley is that he is a career 500% coach and is failing in his third season here. And it isn't going to get any better.

McElwain is 44-26 in his career and 22-10 since being the Florida coach.

Miami, Florida and Florida State jobs are nowhere near opening up. If changes are made to those schools, it will be on the coordinator or assistant side of things.
I lived in Orlando for a few years. Worst place I ever lived. And I have lived many places. It is a terrible city. And it's so freaking hot.

Orlando is a glorified strip mall based on Disney which is a helluva business.

That being said, Scott's wife is Queen Latifa at a prestigious planned community. Hot stuff. She probably loves the notororitety.

One has to glean Sad's posts with all extenuating circumstances. This guy is one of my fav National Posters of all time. Great guy too...
Jarrett B. Cathcart‏@jarrettcathcart
Nothing makes make happier than seeing @UCFDannyWhite and @coach_frost rail on the Orlando area for not coming to games

5:53 PM - 8 Oct 2017

Both will leave UCF when better offers come.

Yeah, this doesn't really sound like a guy planning to stay at UCF for very long:

“I want the people of Orlando to know they missed a fun game tonight,” Frost said. “We’re going to put on some more shows this year with some entertaining football, and I’d love to see more people.”
James Franklin - born and raised in Pennsylvania
Urban Meyer - born and raised in Ohio
Jim Harbaugh - played for Michigan and grew up nearbye
Paul Chryst - born in Madison and played for Wisconsin
Mark Richt - born in Omaha, NE, played at Miami
Pat Fitzgerald - born in IL and played at Northwestern
Mike Gundy - born in Oklahoma and went to Oklahoma State
David Shaw - born in California and went to Stanford
Kliff Kingsbury - born in Texas and went to Texas Tech

What do all of these coaches and schools have in common? Alumni as their head coach or was born/grew up in the state. What else do they have in common? Stability and success.

There is a coach that was born in Nebraska, played at Nebraska, has coached and played fore some of the best coaches in the sport, and now has head coaching experience.

Do the smart thing and go hire Scott Frost and stop it with all of this stupid stuff over the last 20 years. The chance to get a guy that can unite the state, the football program, alumni, etc, is sitting there to go and get.

Either way sucks.

Give me Jupiter or Amelia Isle on the East Coast, or somewhere in between.

Same way Naples to Sannibel

Orlando area sucks, including Disney

Scott's wife is probably basking in her glow. Makes sense. Christ
Just saying that a lot of Florida fans want McElwain gone already, even though he's won 70% of his games and 2 division titles so far.

Interesting that on the Florida Message Boards, almost all of their fans want Scott Frost:
The only reason anyone would want frost is because he played at their school and they are idiots who want to run triple option and expect NCs every season.
Just ask the asshole coalition.
The only reason I posted what I posted above is to show that Frost has no long-term plans to stay at UCF and people know that. The signs are there. He wanted a sold out stadium against Memphis and could only get 30k people to show up.

He is ready for a P5 job and will take the first good P5 job offered to him.

I say offer him $5M a year and massive bonuses for winning the division, conference, playoff appearance, and natty.
LSU won’t be open, UF likely sticks with Mac and the Vols maybe unwinnable as no coach can flip them. There’s a reason Kiffin bolted early. We won the Fiesta Bowl and finished top 10 before Frost. I love the guy, but when he applied we had about 200 resumes sent mainly due to location so we will be fine. The P5 tag is what is holding us back but Frost doesn’t have to rush. In fact he can take his sweet time. Young team, solid QB and added publicity will only add wind to his sails. He’s in Lincoln in 2 seasons.*

Good post, but Frost will most likely not be able to take his sweet time in regards to the NU job. If he wants it, he will have to take it after this season, because it won't be available in two years. We will be hiring a coach now, not two years from now. Unfortunately, that just happens to be the timing of the situation.
Good post, but Frost will most likely not be able to take his sweet time in regards to the NU job. If he wants it, he will have to take it after this season, because it won't be available in two years. We will be hiring a coach now, not two years from now. Unfortunately, that just happens to be the timing of the situation.

HuskerDana, Sad has been posting for 10-15+ years. He gets it. Interesting take on Rocky Top. Solid take
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Oh, I am sure he does. I have seen some of his posts. I am just saying that just happens to be the situation that SF and NU will most likely be presented with.
it is easier to coach where he is at, less pressure and far more talent to recruit from. If I'm Frost I say thanks but no thanks, he is young and Nebraska is a bit toxic right now. Frost could stick it out and have a Bama or UF job in a few years.. bigger money base, better recruits, better weather, more prestige, boosters who will buy players to grease the recruiting process. Why come to the BIG and play with a lesser roster vs OSU, PSU, UM.... he could go to UF and fight from the top. Money will not be an issue (and let's face it, he is young kid getting paid already) if he's good, but a tough run at Nebraska could tarnish his legacy.
it is easier to coach where he is at, less pressure and far more talent to recruit from. If I'm Frost I say thanks but no thanks, he is young and Nebraska is a bit toxic right now. Frost could stick it out and have a Bama or UF job in a few years.. bigger money base, better recruits, better weather, more prestige, boosters who will buy players to grease the recruiting process. Why come to the BIG and play with a lesser roster vs OSU, PSU, UM.... he could go to UF and fight from the top. Money will not be an issue (and let's face it, he is young kid getting paid already) if he's good, but a tough run at Nebraska could tarnish his legacy.

Coaches are not taught to wait for a job to open since that job may never open and when it opens, you may not get it. So you miss out. Coaches are taught to take the opportunity when it presents itself.

When the Georgia job opened they went straight for an alumni from Saban's staff at Alabama. There were plenty of coaches that would have dreamed of coaching at Georgia and none of those coaches would remain at a lower level school just to hope and dream that the Georgia job opens up some random year before they are dead. That isn't how this works. They take a P5 job when it is offered and do the best they can in their career.

When a P5 job comes to Frost and it isn't some crap place like Boston College, he will take it and not look back. He isn't going to continue to coach at UCF to wait and see what SEC job is going to open up and cross the fingers hoping the school will call to interview/offer. Doing that is dumb.
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it is easier to coach where he is at, less pressure and far more talent to recruit from. If I'm Frost I say thanks but no thanks, he is young and Nebraska is a bit toxic right now. Frost could stick it out and have a Bama or UF job in a few years.. bigger money base, better recruits, better weather, more prestige, boosters who will buy players to grease the recruiting process. Why come to the BIG and play with a lesser roster vs OSU, PSU, UM.... he could go to UF and fight from the top. Money will not be an issue (and let's face it, he is young kid getting paid already) if he's good, but a tough run at Nebraska could tarnish his legacy.
Why go to Nebraska? He would be coaching in the west. 7 out of 10 years he’s playing for the B1G. Win there a time or two and be in the playoff hunt.

That’s why Frost or anybody else would come to Nebraska.
When he was a Nebraska boy, Scott chose a mediocre Stanford team with a big name head coach over a Nebraska program at its peak. Only when it became apparent that he wouldn’t cut it in Walsh’s pro system did he leave Stanford and enroll in Lincoln. So if a school boy living in Nebraska during our glory years left the state and only returned when things didn’t work out, why would a successful middle aged man leave a top 20 program in the best recruiting area of the country to come “home” to a football program that is a shell of what it was when he rejected it the first time?
When he was a Nebraska boy, Scott chose a mediocre Stanford team with a big name head coach over a Nebraska program at its peak. Only when it became apparent that he wouldn’t cut it in Walsh’s pro system did he leave Stanford and enroll in Lincoln. So if a school boy living in Nebraska during our glory years left the state and only returned when things didn’t work out, why would a successful middle aged man leave a top 20 program in the best recruiting area of the country to come “home” to a football program that is a shell of what it was when he rejected it the first time?
UCF is not close to a top 20 program.
Paying somebody 5mil a year doesn't automatically make them a good coach. Maybe SF is the second coming, IDK, but it seems like some people act like if we just pay him boatloads of cash, then he'll be successful.
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I don't care if he's not ready, he can learn on the job here, its not like that will be any worse than what we watch now.

Yep, not sure there is anything worse than watching Mike Cavanaugh's OLine looking like a bunch of skirts out there. Sorry Mike R., it's been real, but getting pasted by Wisconsin after your performance the last 2 1/2 years means it's time for you and your staff to GTFO!!
Paying somebody 5mil a year doesn't automatically make them a good coach. Maybe SF is the second coming, IDK, but it seems like some people act like if we just pay him boatloads of cash, then he'll be successful.

He'll be successful because he puts a team on the field that plays physically, and not this horseshit pattycake that we've been watching for the last 2 1/2 years. This regime is done. The sooner we get an AD on board to do what is necessary to get Frost here, the better.
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Frost will bring in his own guys. Or should. His team is leaps and bounds better, and has so much better coaching.

As he should if he came. We should have the best staff that works the best together.
When he was a Nebraska boy, Scott chose a mediocre Stanford team with a big name head coach over a Nebraska program at its peak. Only when it became apparent that he wouldn’t cut it in Walsh’s pro system did he leave Stanford and enroll in Lincoln. So if a school boy living in Nebraska during our glory years left the state and only returned when things didn’t work out, why would a successful middle aged man leave a top 20 program in the best recruiting area of the country to come “home” to a football program that is a shell of what it was when he rejected it the first time?

Because he's not a 17-year-old kid anymore? He has a wife and kid on the way now, I'm sure his priorities in life have changed quite a bit.
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I'm a UCF fan and I'll say most of us have come to the realization that Coach Frost is leaving sometime in the next 1-2 years. One of the best things about him is he is very forthcoming. He's already said he will stay at UCF until we are back on top of the AAC. BUt he doesn't make any garbage coach promises about never leaving. He knows he's leaving. We know he's leaving. Lets enjoy it while it lasts.

That said...

Frost seems like a very pragmatic guy who makes very smart decisions about his career. He turned down P5 jobs at certain programs because he knew they were not spots he could find immediate success. He chose UCF specifically because of the ability to recruit and the ability to compete for a conference title almost immediately.

He will do the same in his next move. His heart may or may not be in Nebraska. I don't know the man personally. But I am confident he will weigh all his options and will only choose another position that fits those criteria.
Scott's not P5 worthy now, but I'll see something random in November and will change my mind! #SFnevergoodenough

He isn't? Lol. He's going to have huge offers, and Tennessee is one of them. Same thing was said about Herman a few years back, and the guy already has Tennessee on the right track, but carry on. Nebraska has had a chance with some big time assistants in the last few years, and we passed for Riley. Time to go with one of these up and comers because they all seem to be doing pretty well (i.e. Herman, Fuentes, Morris, etc.)
He isn't? Lol. He's going to have huge offers, and Tennessee is one of them. Same thing was said about Herman a few years back, and the guy already has Tennessee on the right track, but carry on. Nebraska has had a chance with some big time assistants in the last few years, and we passed for Riley. Time to go with one of these up and comers because they all seem to be doing pretty well (i.e. Herman, Fuentes, Morris, etc.)

I was being sarcastic - making fun of the idiots who say SF "isn't ready", "you just want him to run the triple option", etc, but will change their tune when he magically adds some new coaching ability during a 3 hour window against USF/Navy.
I was being sarcastic - making fun of the idiots who say SF "isn't ready", "you just want him to run the triple option", etc, but will change their tune when he magically adds some new coaching ability during a 3 hour window against USF/Navy.

My bad. Didn't read all of the posts before.
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I'm a UCF fan and I'll say most of us have come to the realization that Coach Frost is leaving sometime in the next 1-2 years. One of the best things about him is he is very forthcoming. He's already said he will stay at UCF until we are back on top of the AAC. BUt he doesn't make any garbage coach promises about never leaving. He knows he's leaving. We know he's leaving. Lets enjoy it while it lasts.

That said...

Frost seems like a very pragmatic guy who makes very smart decisions about his career. He turned down P5 jobs at certain programs because he knew they were not spots he could find immediate success. He chose UCF specifically because of the ability to recruit and the ability to compete for a conference title almost immediately.

He will do the same in his next move. His heart may or may not be in Nebraska. I don't know the man personally. But I am confident he will weigh all his options and will only choose another position that fits those criteria.

Yes, he is smart for promising not to leave. IMO, the only Midwest job he would take that could open in the next decade is Nebraska.

I do not see him taking a Missouri jib. Not a Boston College job. I do see him taking a Nebraska or TN job.
Yes, he is smart for promising not to leave. IMO, the only Midwest job he would take that could open in the next decade is Nebraska.

I do not see him taking a Missouri jib. Not a Boston College job. I do see him taking a Nebraska or TN job.

I think Tennessee could be fixin to offer him good money. There's a lot of that starting to circle around.
My bad. Didn't read all of the posts before.
Consider yourself lucky... all he does is #SFnevergoodenough in every single post.

Every single one.

It’s warranted, I suppose, just tiresome.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Frost could be the answer. I would love to see him on the sideline if that is the direction we go.
people are already "teeing up" their "I told you so's" with regards to Frost vs the field hire if things don't get turned around

Personally I will support either. I do think Frost will be a top power 5 coaching candidate for any program looking at the end of the year. He was listed as #6 on a list I saw at the beginning of the year and I can only imagine his stock has risen since. He would not be an unreasonable hire and I don't think he is only getting a look because he is a Nebraska legacy - but he will get the benefit of the doubt in the search. It isn't like the Parella hire that we pulled out of Northern Michigan without any Div 1 coaching or recruiting experience.

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