Tay no doubt is a wildcat in the sack. Kelce doesn’t need her money so he wouldn’t waste his time if she wasn’t. I don’t care for her music or political views I imagine, but damn I don’t get the hate for a lovely young woman.Well… since I’m not ghey I wood plow Taylor Swift. Something about her just screams pillow queen (aka dead fish), so that makes me wonder if she’s actually a stone cold freak in the sack? These questions need answers…
I think giving him a blowjob would be less gay than thisKelce is coming over for smoked brisket, shots and amazing football stories.
I think giving him a blowjob would be less gay than this
Regarding Taylor, or just the oppositeTaylor Swift seems like she thinks she is naughty in bed but really isn't.
My respect for Jason went through the roof last weekend. Welcome to the family Taytay.