A few hours before the game where are you posted up? What are some other bars besides Barry's you would recommend?
Hopefully people go shout curse words at Brandon Walker. Guy is a huge idiot.Barstool pre-game show will be outside of Pinnacle starting at 12:30 pm this Saturday...
What an icon the sidetrack band on Friday night especially. Game day crew was always there on Friday night when they were in town.Sidetrack 😇🥳😥😓...mainly post game back in the day
When I think of Sandy's, I instantly think of Elk Creek Water... and how trashed me and a pal got on it on HC night. Did some stupid shite.If you are looking at O street area
The Rail will have free food, good prices and beads!
Duffy's seems to always have a decent pregame crowd.
Sandy's is fun to stop in.
Brothers just opens late, it is weird.
Embassy has always been a blast
Barry's if tough to beat and the girls at that place are on fire.
Railyard is fun but gets more expensive.
If you want super cheap and super divey, The Bar The Bar
I'll bet that's what we called "stump water ". Oh yeah baby. Smooth and sneaks up on youWhen I think of Sandy's, I instantly think of Elk Creek Water... and how trashed me and a pal got on it on HC night. Did some stupid shite.
Oh yeah, snuck way up on us both that night. We may or may not have pissed on some frat yard display. Might have got our asses ran off down past Wick.I'll bet that's what we called "stump water ". Oh yeah baby. Smooth and sneaks up on you