People keep going back to the coaching and salary. Riley has already explained one reason he pays Read so much, ST isn't just a coach position, its essentially a coordinator position. We all agree he's not worth the money here.
The other thing that has remained relatively unspoken, Read is essentially "special assistant to the boss" when it comes to talent evaluation for the whole team, and laying the groundwork for recruiting, etc. Valued aides are generally treated well in all walks of life. (By contrast, Williams and Bray's jobs are rather narrow in scope and they are rather junior in overall experience compared to some of the old timers on staff when starting salaries were set).
I don't have a problem with his salary, NU is going to pay a bunch for a staff whether we suck or rock, but I would like to see us move on from Read and put him in a front office role if that is what he's mostly good at.