Watched the film, no questions about it, Langsdorf made the right call...

So you're telling me that we called a low percentage fade route in your mind and didn't intend the flat route to be the primary?

Yes, I think we called a low percentage fade route. There is a time and place for low percentage fade routes. You take your "shot" every once and a while and see if you can get a quick touchdown. That's what I think was called. It was just called on the wrong fricken down/situation. You go up there on a 2nd and 8 (hypothetically), and it turns out the corner has help, you then check down to the TE for a nice little pick up assuming he's open.
I don't even mind the call on a 3rd and short, assuming you think you can man up for a half yard on 4th. But, yeah, on 4th I think it's bizarre. But I just can't see how the fade works AT ALL if it's not thrown early. That means it was either the first read, or the read was intended to be made before the snap was made. Or it was a complete decoy, which certainly neither Tommy nor Brandon thought.

If so then I'm on board with all you whack-a-doos that we need to get rid of our coaches right now. That is inexcusable.

I never said the coaches should be fired. But folks seem to be interpreting the play call in anyway to not blame the coaches, despite there being no real evidence to support it. I see a nicely designed played, called against the right defense, at absolutely the wrong time. Of course there is a strong relationship between the latter two.

With that alignment on the bunch side, there is no reason to think the fade was the best option. It does matter if it's third or fourth, on third you can take the low percentage play and still have another down. On fourth, you don't get another chance.
"best" option is irrelevant. First option. If your first option isn't there, you go to your second. You don't review all your options and then select the best. Neither the QB nor the situation dictates what that progression from first to second to third is. Tommy never looked at the TE. Folks want to attribute that to a shortcoming. I think it's because the first option (the fade) was open (no help), so there was no reason to go the second option. I think he was doing what he was coached to do. Maybe Langs thought Tommy would customize the play based on the situation, similar to the argument that he should have just run instead of throwing on that third and whatever a few weeks ago. Don't know. But if that was Langford's thought, he was wrong.
For all the really bad decisions Tommy made Friday, I don't believe this was one of them. I hate to see people pile on the kid without a good reason.
Funny how this QB can win 9 games in the past 2 season but can't win under this coaching staff..GMAFB...We shouldn't fired Bo and you guys hate it you aren't right about this hiring..

And the last coaching staff was a joke I was told. Team is undisciplined, that's a reflection of the head coach.
yep, and they still are a reflection of the asshat we had last year. there has been more division in the locker room with TA leading the charge, walking out on practices, etc. etc. etc. and players acting like children instead of playing like teammates. can't wait until the cancer that Bo left is finally cut out from this team.
yep, and they still are a reflection of the asshat we had last year. there has been more division in the locker room with TA leading the charge, walking out on practices, etc. etc. etc. and players acting like children instead of playing like teammates. can't wait until the cancer that Bo left is finally cut out from this team.

We will end up with the same type of cancer if Riley doesn't win. The fans will blast Riley like they did Bo, and the players will be forced to defend there coach. Like any player would.
you guys are hilarious. Read a defense? Look at the pictures above and tell me pre-snap what Tommy was supposed to read.
Sooo YOU found ONE picture showing the OLB not showing blitz. The play happened right in front of me and I can guarantee you that he showed blitz. Even IF he hadn't come, do you throw a fade to Reilly or do you look at your TE who is a mismatch for just about anybody that tries to cover him? I'm looking at that TE every time. He wouldn't have run the route if he wasn't an option and a pass to him in the flat was a MUCH higher percentage play than a stinking fade. TA didn't have to see blitz in order to know what he should do and if he didn't have his head up his butt he would have seen what I saw. The troll is back.
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