Watch site in Lincoln?


Walk On
Aug 15, 2001
I'm coming to Lincoln for the second time in 27 years this weekend. I'm not going to the game but can anyone tell me where I could go watch it? I'll be staying in northeast Lincoln so a watch site in that area or anywhere away from the downtown football craziness would be preferred. Thanks!
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You want to watch it away from the fun?

Maybe hit up a Sears? Do they still sell TV's at Sears? You could just watch it there I guess.
Well, thanks for the considerate replies. Is it so wrong to want to drink a beer and watch the game without having to hunt for a place to park or sit down? What size ass hats do you all wear?
Not impressed with that Watering Hole on Holdrege. Went last Friday and the food wasn't very good. Sportscasters should be solid @ 70th & Adams
I have two tickets I will sell you at 50.00 each face is 75.00 and you can really enjoy it
Well, thanks for the considerate replies. Is it so wrong to want to drink a beer and watch the game without having to hunt for a place to park or sit down? What size ass hats do you all wear?

The size that knows every sports bar in Lincoln, Nebraska will have the game on.

Sorry man, I just found your question extremely weird.
I have two tickets I will sell you at 50.00 each face is 75.00 and you can really enjoy it
Thanks, yes I bought tickets from you two years ago to take my (then) 88 year old father to the game. I appreciate the offer. The purpose of this visit, however, wasn't for game day and it will be all I can do to carve out space for watching most of the game.
Gotcha, thought I remembered the name for a particular reason. Enjoy the trip
The size that knows every sports bar in Lincoln, Nebraska will have the game on.

Sorry man, I just found your question extremely weird.
When one has been in town once in 27 years, he does not know the sportsbars in Lincoln. Yes, I could have done some internet surfing to find them but this is usually an informed and helpful group to point me to a good site.
I'll second Sportscasters. Also there is a Brewsky's sports bar at 70th and Van Dorn that I've watched games at and it's good for that and tossing down a few beers. Food is decent, but not spectacular.
When one has been in town once in 27 years, he does not know the sportsbars in Lincoln. Yes, I could have done some internet surfing to find them but this is usually an informed and helpful group to point me to a good site.

Totally understand and get your question and your point. There is a newer Buffalo Wild Wings down on 88th & Highway 2 that is open, high ceilings with a lot of nice clear TV's, on the southeast side of Lincoln. Like someone said, Sportscaster's would be a good bet. I would stay away from the Watering Hole. Crappy big screen with a terrible picture and a weird setup that doesn't really work for watching games.

If you want to WATCH the game, I would stay away from the whole Gong Show that goes on downtown. I have a hard time watching a game in a packed bar. I want to watch and hear the game.
Not impressed with that Watering Hole on Holdrege. Went last Friday and the food wasn't very good. Sportscasters should be solid @ 70th & Adams
Until the Watering Hole tries harder, go to Sportscasters.