WAAAAY off topic


College Football Hall of Fame
May 29, 2001
I’m in the midst of a Parks and Recreation binge …. For fans, a topic…. 5 best characters, moments, etc of the show… if interested, jump in:
5. Jerry’s inconceivably beautiful family
4. Ron Swanson hatred of government
3. Any scene with Tom in it
2. The Pawnee/ Eagleton rivalry
1. Chris Pratt as Andy… hands down
Going to be that guy who comments only to say he's never really watched the show... I never got into Parks and Rec for whatever reason. Has a lot of the same writers as The Office I believe? Might have to be my next streaming binge, lol.
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I’m in the midst of a Parks and Recreation binge …. For fans, a topic…. 5 best characters, moments, etc of the show… if interested, jump in:
5. Jerry’s inconceivably beautiful family
4. Ron Swanson hatred of government
3. Any scene with Tom in it
2. The Pawnee/ Eagleton rivalry
1. Chris Pratt as Andy… hands down
I wipe and I wipe and I wipe…still poop. It’s like I’m wiping a marker.
The snakejuice episode is the best. All out of their minds effed up except what's her name on the cleanse. They strap Jerry to the roof of the SUV to drive everyone home
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I watched a panel with the cast and writers a while ago. Michael Shur said the "Network Connectivity Problems" line was improvised. The writers both loved it and were pissed because it was better than anything they could have fathomed coming up with.
Yeah I've seen that as well. Think he said something like "I've never written a joke that good in my life."
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Jean Ralphio is easily a top 3 character for me

I watched a panel with the cast and writers a while ago. Michael Shur said the "Network Connectivity Problems" line was improvised. The writers both loved it and were pissed because it was better than anything they could have fathomed coming up with.
I was at a panel they did at the Television Academy like in 2013 maybe? Was it that one? Off Lankershim
I’m in the midst of a Parks and Recreation binge …. For fans, a topic…. 5 best characters, moments, etc of the show… if interested, jump in:
5. Jerry’s inconceivably beautiful family
4. Ron Swanson hatred of government
3. Any scene with Tom in it
2. The Pawnee/ Eagleton rivalry
1. Chris Pratt as Andy… hands down
Ron Swanson = single greatest TV character of all time, IMHO.

But we can’t talk about it on this forum because, ya know… politics.

But otherwise, yeah. One of all-time LMFAO shows….
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Ron Swanson pretending to pull his own tooth

All things Councilman Jerry Jam

Leslie sending Ron on an epic scavenger hunt.
I was at a panel they did at the Television Academy like in 2013 maybe? Was it that one? Off Lankershim
No idea, I found it on YouTube. Looks like it was posted in 2013, so probably the same one. The part I'm referencing starts at about 1:14, Shur talks about it at 2:20 but mentions he's said it at other panels.
No idea, I found it on YouTube. Looks like it was posted in 2013, so probably the same one. The part I'm referencing starts at about 1:14, Shur talks about it at 2:20 but mentions he's said it at other panels.
OK I saw a different panel a few months later but those Paleyfest panels were always a good time