USA Today: Bill McCartney Has Dementia

Coach McCartney was a fierce competitor, and as an NU fan, at times a real source of frustration. But beyond those rivalry issues, I think he is a regular, flawed yet positive and productive guy. He is saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ - bless him and thank God for the good things he has been used to accomplish in this life. Hope and pray this disease doesnt cause him to suffer greatly in his final years.
Very though disease. My mother has been in a home since 2015. Very difficult thing to do. She now has no life other than to sit in a wheel chair and stare at the lights. Once in awhile we can get a smile or a 1 word response. She may be like that for years to come. Makes me very sad to even write this. And its very difficult to go see her. Sorry for BM. Things will change very quickly for him. And there's nothing that can be done about it.
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I have also seen this disease up close, as both my mother and grandmother suffered through it with my mother's battle starting in her early 50s. It is devastating and I feel very bad for the McCartneys. Mac assembled a pretty good staff out there and while I hated them at the time, I wouldn't wish this fate on anyone. Hopefully someday soon major progress can be made toward an effective treatment and/or prevention program.
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It's basically the worst thing that can happen to a person as far as health complications go.
I'd rather have the doc tell me I'm cancer ridden and will be dead in months then to be told I have dementia/Alzheimer's.
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