Geezus!!!Definitely prayers for the family. I can't imagine the pain they are feeling.
I don't see why people seem to feel that Disney is liable here. The child was in the water in an area where it was clearly marked as a no swimming area. Rules were broken - and not by Disney.
Disney will probably offer some sort of compensation (can't really think of a good word) for the tragedy that occurred, but it's absurd that people think Disney is at fault here. The family is just as liable as anybody else.
Please stop with the who is at fault Bull S***!!! No one is at fault! NO ONE! Just like the boy who fell in the Gorilla pit, it is NO ONE's F***ING fault.
Here is where society blows. "Someone has to Pay for it". You know what, I can't imagine what those parents feel like right now, and I can guarantee it was not their intention to "Break the Rules" and let their child play in the water.
What people seem to forget is that we don't have "Eyes in the back of our head" and by no means would I ever blame a parent for their child's death unless that parent did the killing. Because these parents don't have a eye on their kids every second, does not make them at fault or bad parents.
Just stop! Disney isn't to blame, the Zoo isn't to Blame and for damn certain the F***ing parents aren't to blame. Kids test you at an early age, and it continues until they become adults. I can tell my son who is 8 years old to shower 15 damn times before he actually listens... Does that make me a bad parent? Nope.
"Don't play in the water son... Son don't play in the water.... Turn to my wife for a split second to say, Hunny, he isn't listening to me and BOOM alligator attacks. Now it is my fault because I didn't grab him at Disney, and wasn't thinking an alligator was in the water
This is a sad situation that only God know the reason why it happened. You can judge the parents, and you can judge Disney. In the end none of you know anything about the situation. For certain this is a tragedy that could not be stopped. They are accidents for a reason, because no one was wanting them to happen, but it still did
Disney will compensate this family, and I am certain they feel horribly for them. Doesn't mean they feel like they are at fault and are bribing them.
My prayers go out to this family, I can't imagine the feeling that father has right now!