Tradition Coalition Scorecard based on huskerpete8 & my off-the-cuff criteria:
D+ Watching Nebraska win while beating the piss out of people at the line of scrimmage
F Watching I-backs score on 80-yard runs
D- Enjoying QBs who can run
C+ Cheering wide-open tight ends on seam routes who catch 50 yard TDs because the safeties had to support against the run
D Keeping all the best Nebraska kids home and watching them develop into legit players
B+ Playing by the rules
A- Maintaining grades
B Being dedicated to the community
B+ Playing for NEBRASKA
Overall: C-
What’s your grade?
This was my attempt to pivot the descriptions offered by huskerpete8 in a thread a couple of days ago and to it, I added a few aspects that I think are relevant.
I then took at look at where Husker football stands four games into the 2017 season.
In short, I offered it as a way to discuss the state of the football program. Discussion can be a great aspect of a board like this.
However, I realize that in the present community, the temptation to mock rather than discuss is part of what goes on here.
Choose to discuss. Choose to mock. Choose to ignore.
I thought I would try discussion.
I took the position before the season that this was in many ways Coach Riley's first full year under his program. This is based on my belief that the offense could not become what Riley wanted with the QB situation as it was the first two years. I also give him credit, great credit in fact, for seeing that he needed a wholesale change to his defensive posture. Letting go of Banker showed a tremendous willingness to put the needs to success over his long time relationship with coaches.on his staff.
Based on my assessment, Riley is still a long way from being where the program has thrived. Can it thrive under his approach? Possibly.
In other threads, I've stated my interest in replacing the OL coach and probably the RB coach.
My belief in the need for doing that is based on what I think has worked and where I think we are falling short.
I probably left off other attributes, such as excellence in the kicking game and the return game. There are likely others.
Others that may want to improve upon this initial draft are encouraged to add or subtract attributes and determine where they think the team needs, or would benefit from, improvements.
Still others may choose to use the discussion as an opportunity to mock or just have fun. Or even just ignore my invitation to have a discussion.
Choose to discuss. Choose to mock. Choose to have fun with it. Or choose to ignore.
I enjoy the discussion with intelligent fans.
D+ Watching Nebraska win while beating the piss out of people at the line of scrimmage
F Watching I-backs score on 80-yard runs
D- Enjoying QBs who can run
C+ Cheering wide-open tight ends on seam routes who catch 50 yard TDs because the safeties had to support against the run
D Keeping all the best Nebraska kids home and watching them develop into legit players
B+ Playing by the rules
A- Maintaining grades
B Being dedicated to the community
B+ Playing for NEBRASKA
Overall: C-
What’s your grade?
This was my attempt to pivot the descriptions offered by huskerpete8 in a thread a couple of days ago and to it, I added a few aspects that I think are relevant.
I then took at look at where Husker football stands four games into the 2017 season.
In short, I offered it as a way to discuss the state of the football program. Discussion can be a great aspect of a board like this.
However, I realize that in the present community, the temptation to mock rather than discuss is part of what goes on here.
Choose to discuss. Choose to mock. Choose to ignore.
I thought I would try discussion.
I took the position before the season that this was in many ways Coach Riley's first full year under his program. This is based on my belief that the offense could not become what Riley wanted with the QB situation as it was the first two years. I also give him credit, great credit in fact, for seeing that he needed a wholesale change to his defensive posture. Letting go of Banker showed a tremendous willingness to put the needs to success over his long time relationship with coaches.on his staff.
Based on my assessment, Riley is still a long way from being where the program has thrived. Can it thrive under his approach? Possibly.
In other threads, I've stated my interest in replacing the OL coach and probably the RB coach.
My belief in the need for doing that is based on what I think has worked and where I think we are falling short.
I probably left off other attributes, such as excellence in the kicking game and the return game. There are likely others.
Others that may want to improve upon this initial draft are encouraged to add or subtract attributes and determine where they think the team needs, or would benefit from, improvements.
Still others may choose to use the discussion as an opportunity to mock or just have fun. Or even just ignore my invitation to have a discussion.
Choose to discuss. Choose to mock. Choose to have fun with it. Or choose to ignore.
I enjoy the discussion with intelligent fans.
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