Tight end room

I think it was Sports Nightly a few weeks ago that mentioned it was a possibility. That surgery absolutely requires a lengthy rehab. If he comes back too soon he could jeopardize his future.
There seems to be confusion on exactly what the surgery was . @Cornicator who seems to know any inside scoop on Cater says reports of possible missing 25 are irresponsible reporting and he is target to be full go by June workouts.
I think Ingwerson could be a big surprise and will help the blow with Nelson seating out the 25 season repairing his hip.
Ingwerson was fairly highly recruited. Everybody has just kind of forgotten about him. I think Flynt is more of a run blocker but that doesn’t mean he can’t be effective as a receiver. We have some options.
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Oh, I don’t know. Things like
1. Can he block big, athletic defensive linemen?
2. Can he catch the ball in traffic?
3. Can he run accurate routes and be physical with contested passes?
4. Can he break tackles and get yards after contact or will he drop like a stone at first contact and then fumble? You know, like he did when he was pretending to be a QB.
5. You said it yourself. He lacks fluidity. Good Tight ends have just that. He runs like he has a rod shoved up his spine. He is fast in a straight line. Nothing else. But he can dunk a basketball. Perhaps Hoiberg can use him
At first, I thought you were describing Fidone.

I think HH might just turn out to be the best TE we have on the roster.
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At first, I thought you were describing Fidone.

I think HH might just turn out to be the best TE we have on the roster.
I sure hope so! I think the key is his development as a blocker. I think he can easily learn how to become an effective receiver. But a TE has to be a blocker 95% of the time. In fact, I would rate blocking ability above the ability to be a good receiver as the first skill needed. Great Tight Ends can do both well. Can Haarberg develop as a blocker? Time will tell. Fingers crossed
I don’t see those words in Pennsy’s post

I also think it’s pretty convenient to just assume HH will produce at a high level in his first year playing a very demanding position
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does anyone know what the pathology is? or at least what procedure is being performed?
Wild guess is a congenital impingement. It’s a fairly common malformation of the hip that if left uncorrected can lead to premature degeneration of that hip. It’s one of the reasons that I had a hip replacement on my 50th birthday. I can remember very well not having the same range of motion in that hip when I stretched. IF I remember correctly they had said it was congenital. The only other congenital malformation I’m aware of is “dysplasia” but I can’t imagine that he’s had that and been able to do what he’s done. Usually that’s bilateral.
2 common types of FAI. Cam deformity and Pincer and a 3rd which is a combination of the 2.

These FAI's can sometimes also have Labrum damage as well.
Wild guess is a congenital impingement. It’s a fairly common malformation of the hip that if left uncorrected can lead to premature degeneration of that hip. It’s one of the reasons that I had a hip replacement on my 50th birthday. I can remember very well not having the same range of motion in that hip when I stretched. IF I remember correctly they had said it was congenital. The only other congenital malformation I’m aware of is “dysplasia” but I can’t imagine that he’s had that and been able to do what he’s done. Usually that’s bilateral.
Who was our D end that suffered from “hip dysplasia “ and was supposed to be good for us, then I think he had to retire…?
Don’t worry!!! we have the highest paid TE coach in the country. He will figure it out. He coached at Temple during the dynasty of mighty Owls dominance of college football
Oh Man! I purposely came into this thread based on the title alone to post this very comment! LOL!

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