I live in Olathe, and have regular contact with the Johnson County delegation within the Legislature. I have never once heard mention of what would take place if KU were to receive an offer to the BIG. Frankly, Kansas has had so many budget and education issues over the past 6 years that it’s pretty small potatoes and not even on the radar. I think the average fan of KU/KSU thinks the Big 12 will continue on. Perhaps it will, but long term the P5 will likely become th3 P4 and most average Kansas fan can’t comprehend such a world.
Three or four years ago I would have strongly agreed with your statement, but not so much anymore. The landscape of College Football and College Athletics in general has changed so much since we left the Big 12 and joined the Big Ten that I really don’t think politics will be able to trump the money involved at this point. I do think it will be a battle. As much as the western Ag conservatives control the legislature, the East side of the state which is the real driver of the Kansas economy and it’s huge KU population will not go quietly into the night. The reality is, IF this scenario were to play out and KU were offered a place in the BIG it would be an ultimatum, take or leave it proposal. The BIG would go after KU and the legislature would have to decide to either cut KU loose and take what they can get for KSU, or they cut both schools out of the P5 for good, which would ultimately negatively impact future enrollment and potentially overall academic standings.
The reality is the state of Kansas needs Power Conference money more than a Power Conference needs a Kansas school. The only reason KU is even being considered is because of their BB program. Outside of that outlier neither school brings any real value to any Power Conference. KSU is on the map only because of Bill Snyder. And as much as we NU fans may hate to admit it, much like Delaney and Osborn, Snyder developed a system that works for KSU. The problem is finding someone to replicate it and then modernize it, which has, presumably, taken us 20 years. When Snyder steps away (or dies in place) from KSU the replacement will be questionable at best. The reality is, if OU, Texas or both exit the Big 12, that Conference implodes. The state of Kansas is in no position to negotiate should the BIG come knocking on KU’s door. The BIG won’t wait around for a bunch of whimsical politicians. Then can, should and will move on to better prospects if it comes down to politics.