Tate Martell (#1 QB class of 2017) tweeted about Nebraska about an hour ago...

Great to be in the tough spot of already having our guy at QB and having a five star QB in the same class wanting an offer. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't offer tho. May not be able to risk offending Gebbia
I wouldn't turn him down, but Gebbia seems like a much better fit for Riley's offense. Who knows, maybe this kid is the next Russell Wilson, but you don't see too many 5'11 QBs running pro-style offenses.
Further evidence that Nebraska is becoming the "trendy" school to be recognized by. Both by coaches, offers, and by the fan base on social media.
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The kid looks amazing. I wonder if Gebbia would be OK with him visiting.
Not how it works. I would offer him to get him on campus IF he is what we want. When you get 5* on campus that is a plus. These young men know everyone, I see it at 13u baseball it is nuts, 7th grade.

Can't offer him or bring him in. Period. We got our kid and he is part of the Cali-connection. We are done at QB with the exception of Vedral (bring in a lower ranked kid as a "backup" to Gebbia). Only way to sell it if we do.

Bring in another star QB and KJ's and TGebb start looking at NU a little differently. We don't need that. We got the #4 QB. Best in CA. Tons of connections and an interest in recruiting. And a great kid.

Anyone really want rock that boat for a 5'11" 5 star who is already committed to another school?
Until signing day nobody is a lock so why should he have a say?

Plus, anyone worth his salt should welcome competition.

It's pretty common to promise a QB he will be the only one you take in a class. If that is the case then you better be sure he is OK with it before you go offering other QB's.
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Tyjon Lindsey did live with the Martel family for a few years and considers them his God family. I am sure a big reason he made that tweet is because Lindsey and Bookie have been telling him about Nebraska.
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