Sunday March 14th: Nebraska vs. Iowa (Huskers lose 3-1)

How many pitchers have had to sit out because of Covid?
2-3 and I believe one position player. A former ball player of mine told me but I didn’t ask for the names. I think another poster on here mentioned it as well at one point.
Big Ten scores:

Michigan with a 4 game sweep over Purdue 11-6.
Indiana beats Penn State 6-5 and 2-1 to finish off their sweep as well.
Maryland beats Rutgers 9-5.
Northwestern beats Michigan State 7-5.
Illinois and Minnesota play later tonight.
Think we got a little overconfident with the early success. Could be a really good teaching moment. Need to bounce back next weekend for sure.
One win today would have been really nice but a 2-2 weekend is acceptable. Win at least two next weekend and all is well.
Nice to see Banjo have a good day. Props to Foster for launching one plus using the whole field later. He sat 5 straight games but kept prepared. And most important for me was it was very nice to see the bullpen bounce back, and throwing up 0's, after a blown opportunity earlier in game 3 to give us a chance to win in game 4.

We're gonna need better offensive consistency from some juniors & seniors that have been with the program since their freshmen year. Really disappointed this weekend with quite a few plate appearances from a couple.

Friday, OSU lost their 2 games.
Saturday, Iowa lost their 2 games.
Sunday, we lost our 2 games.

That's the game of baseball, right?