The pipeline is and everyone associated is the bad guy. Even new pipelines leak like cray, stories get suppressed but if you want them you can find several.
well, I don't know everything needed to make a decision,
as far as pro's and cons, in the short and long term.
nothing bad with cheap energy, but I don't want the ogalala aquifer full of oil.
I can understand not building pipelines over people graves, but Im not really worried about pagan gods.
so they just need rational folk figuring this stuff out.
not guys looking for another yatch or tree huggers.
maybe a straight railroad from a to b, might be the solution, just make it run on whats in the pipe. that way there's no spills, but the oil moves.
or a pipe, inside a pipe with censors and shut off valves. that way if the inside pipe breaks the outside pipe catches it. you would think if the money is there they could get er figured out.