Special teams are trash

the POS has been on all of Rhule's coaching staffs. gonna find out real quick where the loyalty lies.
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upon further review, Nebraska actually has TWO special teams coaches. Add Josh Martin to the unemployment line.
Nobody blocks on kick and punt returns. We donā€™t go after the punt. We canā€™t down a punt inside the 5 when itā€™s rolling around for 3 seconds - we instead have a guy in the end zone and 2 guys hanging out by the punt returner. F field goal attempts - Snaps are bad, holder canā€™t face the laces the right way and kicker canā€™t kick it over his own lineman much less straight. No way they actually practice any of this. Pathetic
Louisville/ND say hold my beer. Two fumbles on kick returns and a bad snap on a punt. Three ST TOā€™s and itā€™s still the first quarter.

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