So this is ridiculous

My solution for them is to spin it that ESPN is just trying to protect a man named after a "true patriot" (or whatever) from triggered morons vandalizing/destroying anything with the words "Robert" and "Lee" on it. What a time to be alive!
Something for everyone. Way to see all the angles!
Hilarious Beav on the average Joe trying to pick sides at a restaurant (however I will say menu placement of the sides info can hamper in that quest). Overall an excellent example of average aptitude in our society. I recently read a quote on stupidity in society that was something to the effect of "being mad at stupid people is like being mad at grass's everywhere and you aren't going to stop it. Therefore don't bother".

Hilarious Beav on the average Joe trying to pick sides at a restaurant (however I will say menu placement of the sides info can hamper in that quest). Overall an excellent example of average aptitude in our society. I recently read a quote on stupidity in society that was something to the effect of "being mad at stupid people is like being mad at grass's everywhere and you aren't going to stop it. Therefore don't bother".

Anyone who thinks that people are fundamentally smart, logical or kind hasn't worked a full day in customer service.
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Why no outrage over the naming of the school William and Mary. Shouldn't it have been changed after the US gained independence from the oppressive British? And that nickname - Tribe. Surely the is something there to create some feaux outrage.
I would enjoy to see a team make their mascot the White Dads just so we could watch an oversize mascot run around in a golf visor, tucked in pocket t-shirt, khaki shorts, belt with cell phone holster, and pulled-up white socks under a pair of Newbalances. Maybe some reading glasses with the little lanyard...

Their fans would all get chills when they did the team cheer, "THAT'S ABOUT ENOUGH WITH THE SASS, YOUNG LADY!"

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Why is Virginia William and Mary even on tv to begin with

William and Mary traditionally has a good football program with a decent chance to go deep in the playoffs. People will be interested in what they've got this year. UVa is small potatoes in comparison, but somebody's gotta play the part of the early season practice dummy for good programs like William and Mary to warm up with.

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