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This may be a forum nuance I’m unfamiliar with. When Jimmy says to call him something to his face … does he mean for that anonymous person to type it out in this anonymous board? Or does he mean to set up a date and time and meet at QT for a throw down?
So let me get this straight. One can post political B.S. on political B.S. boards and then post about the Huskers on this board? LOL. No seriously, watch out for those political boards. Filled with scammers and people trying to make a buck. Friend of mine got talked into spending thousands on gold because he was told the economy was collapsing last year. Now he realizes that he spent as much on fees as he did on the actual gold.
There are recourses against shit like that. If it were someone I knew, I would sic the dogs on him.

Once you threaten them with the FTC and the BBB and dovetail it with a written/documented complaint to the State Attorney General as well as you Congressmen(s), your US Senator and they can give back their ill gotten gains in a quick second.

When it comes to crap like that, just like the fella the other day who initially had the problem with the AIRbnb, I simply do not fvck around with those type of people. You try to pull one on me and I'm gonna issue and follow through with threads that will get their attention.

When you're dealing with crooks and scammers, nicey nice doesn't work.
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oh good! I’m sure she’s looking forward to another Christmas alone
Good lord man where is all this negativity coming from? I've never had 1 negative interaction with you ever and then you come at me with this bullshit?!? I guess I can see why you are a punching bag on this site.
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Alright. Gave the op plenty of chance to air his grievance.

Not a single person. Not one poster. Was banned or even warned for the political talk that occurred over the weekend. Everyone was allowed their say.

If OP (or anyone) has an issue or felt wronged he's welcome to DM @Zack Carpenter and or myself and discuss it. Let's be done with this conversation now and get back to normal board rules.
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