Mizzou's president and Chancellor were more or less forced to resign over how they handled these kinds of incidents, some (or several) of which have turned out to be falsified or untrue.
So I'd bet those people and their families have some concern over how and why this happened.
At any rate, if you didn't lose your position over this, (Click, Lofton, Wolfe) it's a tempest in a teapot.
The University of Missouri will continue to exist and serve its function, students from all over will continue to study there. The students who choose to go elsewhere will, I'm sure, get fine educations wherever they end up.
The students at Missouri will get out of this what they want. The ones who want to be involved in it will be, the remainder will continue with their studies, many of which don't intersect with varying types of activism. It's been going on campuses since the '60's, sometimes louder, sometimes not as loud.
People will graduate, get jobs, have families, and realize there's more to life than fighting about race all the time.