siap'd...Reality hits Mizzou!

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Exactly it was all bs and people just lost their jobs over this crap. I would kick all the kids out of university, false claims, similar to claiming sexual assault, see Duke. see Yale, kids lives being ruined with FALSE shit. Racism is not solely a white person characteristic I can assure you!
I think reports of students' use of the n word while addressing a person of color while on or off campus -whether it's substantiated or not- is serious, and the administration should take these reports seriously. They didn't, repeatedly.

After all the racial tension in the last few years in this country and in Missouri, specifically, that's a really bad idea.
Load of crap. Wtf are they supposed to do about it if it did happen? And "whether it's substantiated or not"? Wtf did you just say? Do you actually think before you type or are you that programmed? And it's the black students and rioters who are causing tension in Missouri. It's been proven that the whole gentle giant story of "hands up don't shoot" was FALSE. They trashed and rioted for nothing. So much for judging people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin...yeah we're doing a great job of that. Not.
And beav, you are such a pos you make me sick. I'm tired of your hyperbole and you don't know shit about anyone on this board or what they've dealt with in their life. Quit the outlandish statements that exaggerate everything everybody says. You are a child and a fool. Que your attempt to try to get another thread that points out the poison of liberalism locked before more truth is spilled. I'm so glad I was raised to have a brain that reacts to facts and substance instead of learned emotion and empty intent.
And again, I'm not condoning someone using the N word to a person of color. That is pathetic.

But if a student is identified as allegedly saying it towards a person of color, like any investigation if it is a he said-he said, you better have

1. Witnesses
2. Video/audio evidence
3. The alleged person has to say, "I did it."

So like I said, if you have one or all of those three, then punish them. If you don't have even one, and you try to punish a person for an alleged vetbal statement, better get ready for a tuition increase because that school will get sued.
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Apparently I pissed off the Fox News crew. I think a pattern of reports coming from black students being called n-word by other students is something the administration would be smart to address.

I'm not saying I think the protests were good or any of the results.
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Apparently I pissed off the Fox News crew. I think a pattern of reports coming from black students being called n-word by other students is something the administration would be smart to address.

I'm not saying I think the protests were good or any of the results.
You got caught in a bullshit statement and were rightfully called out. Nice try diminishing us by an attempted insult by calling us Fox News crowd to try to diminish our accuracies and make you look less stupid. You're still really, really stupid.
Apparently I pissed off the Fox News crew. I think a pattern of reports coming from black students being called n-word by other students is something the administration would be smart to address.

I'm not saying I think the protests were good or any of the results.

And you know they were not addressed how??????
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Apparently I pissed off the Fox News crew. I think a pattern of reports coming from black students being called n-word by other students is something the administration would be smart to address.

I'm not saying I think the protests were good or any of the results.
Backpedal and still lacking any facts. Cry me a river. It has zero to do with you, but continue the learned emotions.
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Has anyone there put forth evidence behind the actual accusations made?

For the grad student who got the attention did his reasons for doing what he did get addressed? Evaluated? Or just accepted?

When people see the real or perception of using guilt and shame as a way to get what they want, the reactions can be strong in opposition. Looking at the numbers go down seems to be a continuation of that reaction.
Lol ok believe what you want. Good talk.
Lol? That'z what you got? Strong response. Try harder, I am sure your superior intellect and higher-level thinking can do better. Especially reasoning with us simple Fox News guys! But then again, likely not.
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Has anyone there put forth evidence behind the actual accusations made?

For the grad student who got the attention did his reasons for doing what he did get addressed? Evaluated? Or just accepted?

When people see the real or perception of using guilt and shame as a way to get what they want, the reactions can be strong in opposition. Looking at the numbers go down seems to be a continuation of that reaction.
Nah... it's because of the racists and burning crosses on campus.
Apparently I pissed off the Fox News crew. I think a pattern of reports coming from black students being called n-word by other students is something the administration would be smart to address.

I'm not saying I think the protests were good or any of the results.

I, for one, thank you for your social justice warrioring. Godspeed, noble agitator of newsmen.
Apparently I pissed off the Fox News crew. I think a pattern of reports coming from black students being called n-word by other students is something the administration would be smart to address.

I'm not saying I think the protests were good or any of the results.

One more response. If you or anyone involved can show by preponderance of the evidence, (a low burden of proof) that an identified white MU student, used the N word towards another student of color, AND MU officials did nothing about it, then I am pretty damn sure that those of us in the Fox News group would be some of the first calling for heads to roll.

I'm not certain, but I'm guessing that your Fox News comment was a discreet way of trying to imply that those who opposed your views are racists. If that was your intent, well that is as pathetic as someone using the N word towards a person of color.

All sorts of people make accusations. I deal in facts, and have my entire adult working life. Give me facts and truth and I'll be behind you 100%. Feed me BS and stuff that is proven to be false and your credibility goes down the toilet.
Soda Popinski...I pray that you are just trolling. If not.....
And you know they were not addressed how??????

The Chancellor and President met with the students multiple times, I'm betting it came up.

Chancellor actually tweeted about it, AND made a youtube video condemning racism. Of course it still wasn't enough because the President refused to admit to his white privilege and the rest is history. We also know the student body President, Payton Head, was forced to take to social media for lying about the KKK being on campus. "I'm sorry about the misinformation I have spread through social media " was his direct quote. So we toss out the KKK bullshit, the fake picture of the poop, an off campus N word blast, and exactly what are we left with here?

You want to know why there is such an unlikely candidate winning the GOP, it's because America is sick of the low bar required to be considered a racist anymore and their sick of watching towns burn over false accusations and being called a racist or hateful if they watch Fox news. You guys actually created the leading GOP candidate. Oops.

Soda- FYI, I watch local news and CNN and ESPN way more than Fox, but am I to assume MSNBC is your favorite channel and that you have a Rachel Madow poster hanging on your ceiling so you can see it every night when you go to bed?
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The Chancellor and President met with the students multiple times, I'm betting it came up.

Chancellor actually tweeted about it, AND made a youtube video condemning racism. Of course it still wasn't enough because the President refused to admit to his white privilege and the rest is history. We also know the student body President, Payton Head, was forced to take to social media for lying about the KKK being on campus. "I'm sorry about the misinformation I have spread through social media " was his direct quote. So we toss out the KKK bullshit, the fake picture of the poop, an off campus N word blast, and exactly what are we left with here?

You want to know why there is such an unlikely candidate winning the GOP, it's because America is sick of the low bar required to be considered a racist anymore and their sick of watching towns burn over false accusations and being called a racist or hateful if they watch Fox news. You guys actually created the leading GOP candidate. Oops.

Soda- FYI, I watch local news and CNN and ESPN way more than Fox, but am I to assume MSNBC is your favorite channel and that you have a Rachel Madow poster hanging on your ceiling so you can see it every night when you go to bed?
I have watched Fox News about 5 minutes in 10 years. So that makes Soda Popinski a hateful racist, correct? Holy cow this country and it's pretend sensitivity is sickening. America used to be the dog that defended it's house from threats. Now the same pack of dogs has a bunch of puppies that would rather roll on their back, and piss themselves.
As I've said multiple times, the whole thing seems like a very weird deal. What I don't understand is why you all are so excited to celebrate it, and why you think low enrollment this year is FOR SURE THE END OF THE UNIVERSITY, YOU GUYS!!!

Ok, so you found a case where melodramatic kids made some shit up. That proves what, other than what we already knew, which is, "Not everything is always one way or another"?

You're looking at the first fall after this all happened. That's about as statistically sound as if I had declared 2 months ago that we were on our way to 25 cent gasoline.

Remember that conversation we always have about how kids today don't have any recollection of when NU was a great team? Kids who were 7th graders when this happened will neither remember nor care when they are choosing colleges.

If Kent State is still around, I think Mizzou will proooooooooooooooobably make it.
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Beav I was wondering what you ended up doing about your car? Did you buy one, and what did you get? Dealer or private party?
Very curious as to how this pertains to the thread.

Bought one of the cars I was looking for (Honda minivan) from a Buick/GMC dealer. Wouldn't buy from them again given the issues I've since discovered on it and the way I had to browbeat them to detail it like they should have. But I got what I paid for to go bargain hunting at a dealer that had an off-brand used vehicle.

Haven't bought the second one yet, trying to see if I can get a certified '13 Civic under 30K miles for what I want to pay. Right now the dealers have the upper hand, not a ton of the 13s have come off lease yet. So they are not eager to cut a deal, but we'll see how the tune changes when I walk on the lot at a couple places Saturday.

They don't seem to take you too seriously over the phone. They think you're just messing with them to see if you can score a lowball price, even when I explain to them that I live 500 miles away and I'm not coming in for the whole test drive and schmooze, that's it's all about price. I don't know what about, "I'll wire you the money today if we can reach a price" doesn't compute for them.
It had nothing to do with the thread, I was just curious what you ended up doing as I remembered you posting on this forum about it a week(ish) ago. Honda Odyssey is a solid choice, you did great.
Ok, so you found a case where melodramatic kids made some shit up. That proves what.

Mizzou's president and Chancellor were more or less forced to resign over how they handled these kinds of incidents, some (or several) of which have turned out to be falsified or untrue.

So I'd bet those people and their families have some concern over how and why this happened.

At any rate, if you didn't lose your position over this, (Click, Lofton, Wolfe) it's a tempest in a teapot.

The University of Missouri will continue to exist and serve its function, students from all over will continue to study there. The students who choose to go elsewhere will, I'm sure, get fine educations wherever they end up.

The students at Missouri will get out of this what they want. The ones who want to be involved in it will be, the remainder will continue with their studies, many of which don't intersect with varying types of activism. It's been going on campuses since the '60's, sometimes louder, sometimes not as loud.

People will graduate, get jobs, have families, and realize there's more to life than fighting about race all the time.
It had nothing to do with the thread, I was just curious what you ended up doing as I remembered you posting on this forum about it a week(ish) ago. Honda Odyssey is a solid choice, you did great.
Kinda forgot about that thread, it was a busy weekend. I posted a long reply in that one.
Mizzou's president and Chancellor were more or less forced to resign over how they handled these kinds of incidents, some (or several) of which have turned out to be falsified or untrue.

So I'd bet those people and their families have some concern over how and why this happened.

At any rate, if you didn't lose your position over this, (Click, Lofton, Wolfe) it's a tempest in a teapot.

The University of Missouri will continue to exist and serve its function, students from all over will continue to study there. The students who choose to go elsewhere will, I'm sure, get fine educations wherever they end up.

The students at Missouri will get out of this what they want. The ones who want to be involved in it will be, the remainder will continue with their studies, many of which don't intersect with varying types of activism. It's been going on campuses since the '60's, sometimes louder, sometimes not as loud.

People will graduate, get jobs, have families, and realize there's more to life than fighting about race all the time.
Missouri is a good school with some good programs, I very nearly went there, but NU had better facilities and Mizzou was just starting construction to do things like air condition their dorms. They will be fine.

The admin response was slow and bumbling, which on the one hand I feel bad about, but on the other you gotta handle that stuff better. The way the staff and students launched off about it, you wonder a little how much goodwill he had in reserve independent of this issue.
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Conservatives love to claim that liberals are so sensitive and causing the "pussification of America" and everything, but they complain and bitch and moan as much as anyone else. It's just what you decide to be offended by.

Obviously this is very generalized but: Liberals are offended by people saying racism isn't a problem, Conservatives are offended by people saying racism is more prevalent than it is. Liberals are offended by people who believe gay people shouldn't be married, Conservatives are offended by people who are gay.

People need to stop being so high and mighty and pretending only one side of the political spectrum is too sensitive. Especially when the Republican debates have been the most immature crybaby-infested events we've ever seen in politics.

Our whole culture is a mess of disrespect and hate for anyone who doesn't share the same beliefs. It sucks.
Conservatives love to claim that liberals are so sensitive and causing the "pussification of America" and everything, but they complain and bitch and moan as much as anyone else. It's just what you decide to be offended by.

Obviously this is very generalized but: Liberals are offended by people saying racism isn't a problem, Conservatives are offended by people saying racism is more prevalent than it is. Liberals are offended by people who believe gay people shouldn't be married, Conservatives are offended by people who are gay.

People need to stop being so high and mighty and pretending only one side of the political spectrum is too sensitive. Especially when the Republican debates have been the most immature crybaby-infested events we've ever seen in politics.

Our whole culture is a mess of disrespect and hate for anyone who doesn't share the same beliefs. It sucks.
Complete bullshit. I call myself "conservative" by nature... and I don't care if gays marry, if they do that is ok by me. I just choose to not carry the cross for them, because it has nothing to do with me. Just like a bunch of these other issues. But yes, continue the blind hatred and generalizations. It is quite comical.
Complete bullshit. I call myself "conservative" by nature... and I don't care if gays marry, if they do that is ok by me. I just choose to not carry the cross for them, because it has nothing to do with me. Just like a bunch of these other issues. But yes, continue the blind hatred and generalizations. It is quite comical.

Glad to hear it, not sure what you mean by "carry the cross for them" but as long as you're for more equality in the world then you're good.
Well dun huskerj12, I counted 4 blasts against the Republicans on that post, while trying to claim you're more tolerant than either side. NICE!!

Haha I come from a liberal perspective so I notice the hypocrisy of the other side first, just like anyone else. But what I'm trying to say is we all should be able to be better to each other and stop trying to pretend our "side" is the only one doing things right and everyone else is just offended or ignorant. I include myself in that!
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Haha I come from a liberal perspective so I notice the hypocrisy of the other side first, just like anyone else. But what I'm trying to say is we all should be able to be better to each other and stop trying to pretend our "side" is the only one doing things right and everyone else is just offended or ignorant. I include myself in that!

Register as an independent like me, then you get to take shots at both sides!!
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Register as an independent like me, then you get to take shots at both sides!!
I'd like to see two new parties emerge:

Democratic Socialist
Moderate Conservative

TBH we don't need 4 parties, but neither party will split if the other doesn't because they'd fear never winning an election again with a divided voter base.

I would be fine with some fiscal conservatism if they'd just leave social issues alone and stop courting evangelicals. But there isn't real fiscal conservatism, it's "We'll slash everything else and then keep overspending on military if not raising spending, and also we'll cut taxes which will lower revenue." Well that didn't work. Neither does, "We'll raise taxes, but also we'll start up so much new spending that we'll still be growing the debt."

For the love of God, somebody give me a surplus.
Glad to hear it, not sure what you mean by "carry the cross for them" but as long as you're for more equality in the world then you're good.
As long as you are stop generalizing with blind hatred, you're good too. There, now we can stop with the judging of what should be considered "good"
Glad to hear it, not sure what you mean by "carry the cross for them" but as long as you're for more equality in the world then you're good.
I also don't think anyone should tell business owners who they should serve or what they should do. If they want to turn away customers, that's on them.
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