Selling tix to a couple home games... how much?

If you haven't sold them. I may purchase some for myself. Just let me know how I can get ahold of you. Thanks.
I'm going to sell some early season games. Is using Ticketmaster/Stubhub as price point references appropriate?
I'll take 4/5 Colorado Tix, I'll pay full face value plus a few more clams for your troubles. Meet at The Poop Deck, ride your motorcycle. I'll be on mine.
I'm sure there are people still paying face value or above for tickets, but I know some guys who have resorted to giving their tickets away after not finding any takers.
I doubt this season. Maybe after a collapse for sure but highly doubt your anecdote happened prior to new season.

I never had an issue selling my season tickets to games I knew I couldn’t attend for face value + when selling prior to season kickoff
I'm sure there are people still paying face value or above for tickets, but I know some guys who have resorted to giving their tickets away after not finding any takers.
For CU this year? That would be crazy. Been awhile since I've seen so much interest for a game.