So, the team behind is running the clock. Like a basketball team running the 4 corners offense, to avoid being blown out to badly.
That is why we were throwing. We had the wind behind us! Brilliant! We had to take advantage of the wind because we won't have it in the 4th quarter. That's why they make the big bucks.
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Pac 12 Ball ain't gonna work in the Midwest in November against good defenses.

Illinois recently gave up 254 rushing yards and 48 points to North Carolina.
I hate to sound pessimistic but is there anyway we can win more than 6 games this year? If we hold on to Illinois we've got 3. Rutgers and Purdue will be tossups, maybe we can sneak a win away from Minnesota, Wisky, or Iowa but I don't see us winning more than one of those 3. This team is 2004 Bill Callahan coached Nebraska bad.
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I know Reilly doesn't like to micromanage, but he needs to smack Danny in the ear with his clipboard.
Are you kidding me? So now we don`t even cover their receivers.
Callahan ball, Pelini ball and now this crap. Where is all that great coaching we expected when we finally got rid of Bo's band of trainees.
We need three yards and throw a stupid swing pass (second in a row) and they need three yards and throw an out pattern that is impossible to cover. Sorry folks, this team is looking less and less like a well coached team all of the time. Poor position and footwork by D backs and trailing everything. This is sad to watch.
I hate to sound pessimistic but is there anyway we can win more than 6 games this year? If we hold on to Illinois we've got 3. Rutgers and Purdue will be tossups, maybe we can sneak a win away from Minnesota, Wisky, or Iowa but I don't see us winning more than one of those 3. This team is 2004 Bill Callahan coached Nebraska bad.

Nobody in the Big Ten has looked consistently good. At this point, I feel like every game could either be a win or a loss.
Waiting for the resident penguins to explain how bad our special teams are.....
The inexplicable drop is troubling to anyone not dumb.

This is your Nebraska team, buddy! I

I don't like a guy that calls out our fans for the delusional, douchey people they are

If you support what I am watching, you're pretty douchey.