Can't. We're wearing white.Are we afraid to run the ball? I can't stomach this style of football because it's not sustainable.. It's not N... Turns my stomach
Can't. We're wearing white.Are we afraid to run the ball? I can't stomach this style of football because it's not sustainable.. It's not N... Turns my stomach
What exactly is N? This isn't the 90s. What can they do different with ave takent at best?Are we afraid to run the ball? I can't stomach this style of football because it's not sustainable.. It's not N... Turns my stomach
Big third down coming up to start the 4th
Lunt cool as a cucumber against he 3-man Rush, we got a ballgame boys!!!
I hate to sound pessimistic but is there anyway we can win more than 6 games this year? If we hold on to Illinois we've got 3. Rutgers and Purdue will be tossups, maybe we can sneak a win away from Minnesota, Wisky, or Iowa but I don't see us winning more than one of those 3. This team is 2004 Bill Callahan coached Nebraska bad.
ExactlyMight as well rush 8 cuz the back 8 are not covering anyone.
The inexplicable drop is troubling to anyone not dumb.Waiting for the resident penguins to explain how bad our special teams are.....