You make a statement like "That's not how comparisons work". That's just a bullshit statement with no meaning other then to try to defend your point. You have no more knowledge about how comparisons work than anyone else, so to say what you said is crap.
One of the biggest problems we have in society today is that we don't even try to be fair and consistent, we just give things to people we like and try to hurt people we don't like. That's why people run around aimless as the guideposts are now few and far between. All of your points about "context" and not looking at every situation the same are just bullshit spin.
Also, thanks Captain Obvious! Before you posted ^^^ none of us knew anything about context or that not every situation is the same! Lack of intellect is demonstrated clearly when someone assumes that they have a knowledge of something, particularly something elementary, that no one else knows about when in reality they're near the last person to the party.
Reggie Bush was an adult when he committed the violations. He knew about everything that was going on and supported it. He didn't reject the largess sent him and his family's way. He knew beyond a doubt that he was cheating, but he felt that he was above all of that. If anyone deserved to have his award taken away, Bush is the poster child for that. It's not even debatable. The fact that he got his award back is simply a matter of DEI, BLM, and any other recent acronym you can think of. It also had to do with his celebrity. If Geno Torretta, Pat Sullivan, or Eric Crouch had done what Bush and his family had done, their trophy would be gone forever. There wouldn't be any of this "oh, he was just a kid being manipulated by adults" crap.