1. More predictions for Houston to fsu, still think he is a silent
2. Wandering who will be the next commit be with tutt pushing his decision back?
3. Washington got a top 2019 qb, rumor has it yankoff and Sirmon might be seriously looking around, could get interesting.
4. Biggest news of all is pappoe top 19 linebacker tweeted saying he can't wait to get back to Lincoln and parsons tweeted at him "same", can't post right now; sounds like we are getting to be serious contenders for both.
2. Wandering who will be the next commit be with tutt pushing his decision back?
3. Washington got a top 2019 qb, rumor has it yankoff and Sirmon might be seriously looking around, could get interesting.
4. Biggest news of all is pappoe top 19 linebacker tweeted saying he can't wait to get back to Lincoln and parsons tweeted at him "same", can't post right now; sounds like we are getting to be serious contenders for both.