Randy Gregory fails 7th drug test...

I know stupid,but it is only weed which is legal in some states,probably soon to be legal every where but of course not Nebraska.I am not condoning it's use but is definitely not as harmful as alcohol.But come on man,stay clean for 10 years,earn some nice paychecks the retire and smoke all the weed you want or do a Ricky Williams for a year then come back,what a waste or should I say what a wasted.
Randy's problem isn't just weed though.
Biggest waste of a career since LP. Sad.
Randy Gregory
may be done with the Dallas Cowboys and the NFL or, more accurately, vice versa.

Now currently serving a one-year ban from the league for failing a sixth league-administered drug test, the young defensive end has apparently not been able to watch the straight-and-narrow. According to TMZ, has failed a seventh -- yes, seventh -- drug screening which was administered this offseason.

TMZ Sports spoke with multiple people with direct knowledge of the situation who confirmed Randy was tested on Feb. 21 and was informed on March 2 that his specimen came up positive for weed.

We're told Gregory has since blown off the NFL officials who tried to discuss the situation with him and people connected to Gregory tell us it appears his NFL career might be over.
This really is to bad. He appears to have become another person that is squandering an incredible opportunity. I don't know anything about Randy other than what we read. But life is all about choices, and learning to deal with them. From the outside looking in, this appears very unfortunate. Wishing him the very best.
Weed should be legal. And none of us should judge Gregory since none of us knows what personal issues he has that cause him to want to smoke weed. I hope weed is all he is doing.

Money is not the highest value in life. Poverty sucks for sure, but personal happiness is way more important than making millions. And believe it or not, there are a lot of great football athletes like Gregory who don't view playing in the NFL as the high point of existence either. The game is brutal and the values of the owners dominated by business/money.

So if Gregory has made the personal decision to risk his football career for the sake of self medicating with weed, I will not judge him. It might seem like a supremely stupid tradeoff to some ... weed instead of million$... but we aren't in his shoes.
I dunno...i certainly have made my share of mistakes. I know this isnt what you were trying to say, but we need to beware the trend of becoming a guiltless society, which i think we are on the path to becoming, where everything is okay and no one has any right to ever judge the actions of others. There has to be uniform moral standards in society, otherwise everyones ideas of morality will be theirs and theirs alone and that will be a troubling society to live in both legally and emotionally.
Im not happy this he is addicted to this stuff, but part of me believes his story needs to be pointed out to every kid in America as an example of what not to become. Im sure he has excuses everybody does maybe legit maybe not.
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Weed should be legal. Weed could kill the opioid epidemic. No one should drive or handle heavy machinery when impaired, no matter what they are impaired by. Sorry if you hate marijuana, but it is way less harmful than alcohol. If you think all of it should be illegal(alcohol,caffeine,marijuana, sugar) you are an idiot.

Right, like this generation needs more reasons to be lazy, unproductive, dependent, etc.
True, because with Bo being such a hard ass and running a clean program like his followers always said, there's no way he would have let him play while failing multiple drug tests. RollingLaugh
Yes, no one got the star preferential treatment. That's why the team competed so well when under adversity.
An NFL player doesn't have their career ended, nor do they enter rehab for weed, they have to enter rehab for harder stuff, but weed becomes a no-go when you are already on probation for drug use. Every NFL team has dozens of players who spoke weed regularly, and multiple teams can do it legally, Randy has addiction problems with more nefarious things. And he obviously wasn't clean here at NU. At least not the whole time. That being said 40k people die from drug overdoses a year in America, and drug induced vehicle deaths are higher than alcohol related vehicle deaths for the first time. But again a large portion(75%) of the drug deaths are opiate related and not weed.
My understanding is that as long as you do not come into the league with a failed test at the combine, it's really not that hard to avoid trouble. If Randy could have kept it together somehow and passed his drug test at the combine, he may not have ANY positive tests right now. But once you get into the program for regular testing, that's where the trouble lies for people like Randy.

Contrast that with Tim Williams great pass rusher at Alabama. Like Randy, he's admitted to failing multiple drug tests in college. Never missed a game-- thank you Coach Saban. And he passed his test at combine. As a guy who most people think is a user who will not stop using, Williams has a better chance at avoiding a suspension since he won't get tested near as much as he would have had he not passed his test at the combine.
Marijuana is not my thing and never will be, unless I'm in some kind of situation later in life when I have to choose between it and prescription pain meds. But I've lived in Colorado for more than 15 years and while I'm not really passionate about marijuana staying legal here, I can tell you that I don't know a single person who didn't smoke weed when it was illegal, but started when it became legal. Those people may exist, but I've never met one.

As for pro athletes, I always laugh when someone insists that the Broncos better not draft this guy or that guy because he has some kind of history with weed. Yeah, because millionaires who play in the NFL are always walking into retail pot shops and buying their weed over the counter - it's the only way they can get their hands on the stuff.
1st Round Pick for Dallas. Hello Taco (Tuesday) Charlton.

Biggest waste of a career since LP. Sad.
Randy Gregory
may be done with the Dallas Cowboys and the NFL or, more accurately, vice versa.

Now currently serving a one-year ban from the league for failing a sixth league-administered drug test, the young defensive end has apparently not been able to watch the straight-and-narrow. According to TMZ, has failed a seventh -- yes, seventh -- drug screening which was administered this offseason.

TMZ Sports spoke with multiple people with direct knowledge of the situation who confirmed Randy was tested on Feb. 21 and was informed on March 2 that his specimen came up positive for weed.

We're told Gregory has since blown off the NFL officials who tried to discuss the situation with him and people connected to Gregory tell us it appears his NFL career might be over.
Not sure what is more incomprehensible, Randy failing 7 tests or the Cowboys putting up with it after the second one.
Jerry Jones has a trait that he shares with another guy who is in the news daily: never, ever admitting to a mistake. Jerry might be the only guy in America who couldn't see this train wreck coming, so naturally he wants to prove he is right no matter the cost to the organization.
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LP, would probably been better off smokeing weed, chilling a bit.

gregory reminds me of ricky willaims, as far as throwing a lot of money/football/fame away on weed.
If weed wasnt addictive, potheads wouldnt be so angry and butthurt at the threat of it being taken away or illegal.
I'd be "butthurt" if forks, pens, keyboards, or sidewalks were made illegal. Does that mean I am addicted to them?
Generalize much?

Take it with a grain of salt. It's what every generation says about younger generations. It's human nature to believe that the group you are associated with is somehow superior than the next. That way we don't have to blame ourselves for our part. It's always the next guy
Take it with a grain of salt. It's what every generation says about younger generations. It's human nature to believe that the group you are associated with is somehow superior than the next. That way we don't have to blame ourselves for our part. It's always the next guy
Whew! I thought we were going to hear the other poster yell to get off his lawn.
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I think this is all concussion related. In fact bad behavior in these athletes who sacrifice and provide so many years of entertainment to all of us should just be accepted and off limits to reporting. Heck tennis players get bopped in the head a few times with a soft little yellow ball and their all nuts but do we say anything about that.

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