

Walk On
Dec 10, 2008
Pretenders.....and I am not talking about Io_a, ND, Texas or

Last night was a great game and one that I have been waiting to see for a long, long time. I moved to Europe a few years ago and if I want to see games like that one I must stay up until 2:30am which can be stressful if I have to work the next day. Especially when the games are like last year and I would watch us lose in the final play and then have to try to sleep. Last night made staying up worth it.

Now.....about the pretenders. I read a ton of fans on here pretending like they know about football. They believe that they possess some special knowledge that makes them the football authority. They are the real pretenders. They make posts early in the first quarter after a poorly executed play and claim that this one play means that we will not only lose the game but also have a losing season, poor recruiting and snap the sell-out streak. I guess they dont notice when Nebraska scores on three straight possessions and manufacture an excellent game winning drive. They were busy being superior football gurus while that was happening. They post things about our DC and how a positive drive by our opponent means that we are "done" or that it will be a "long day"...and a long year. Never mind that the defense looks night and day different from last year despite all of the losses to graduation and attrition. The pretenders have a pre-conceived notion and the rest of us are the blind ones...right? The pretenders trash Tommy Armstrong in the middle of one of his most impressive performances in his career. No...he is not Peyton Manning. I would question the football knowledge of anyone who expects him to play like the Sheriff. But the pretenders claim Tommy is a bad QB when the reality is that almost every team in the country would love to have him...including our opponent last night. He makes some mistakes, some are his fault and some are not. But the kid has heart, guts and a toughness in a way that helped us win that game last night. Last night should have been a celebration of TA and his accomplishments but the pretenders ignore the 30 great plays he executed to complain about that one time when he did that one thing. As if other college teams have QBs who play perfectly, always, without error or mishap. Hey pretenders, please name one for me. Another pretender complaint....special teams. They say our coach is over paid and that we are a disaster. As if it does not take a few games for a TRUE FRESHMAN punter to settle in to a role he never thought would be his this year. Another reality of special teams is that it take some time to get the unit into the flow. Pretenders post messages about the disaster...meanwhile DPE is making up for his error by almost taking it to the house. Without our special teams last night, we lose.
In fact, athletics and sports in general are based on a groups ability to capitalize on their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. To pretend like each team can exist without any weaknesses is foolish and the ultimate misunderstanding of what sports are.

So pretenders you can keep on pretending you know things and pretending that you are a fan of this team while pretending you know something about sports....the rest of us know the truth.
Long post but true. The people who want to throw the baby out with the bath water at the first hint of a mistake get really old.
I read the whole post and liked it. Some of the posters you're referring to should never be close to the edge of a cliff, because if one thing doesn't go their way they may jump! The kind of person you don't want next to you in a foxhole.

My $.02
:Cool:So you are saying our crappy special teams coach is actually good

DPE just made a great play with a guy hanging on him, to say Read is responsible for that is false. I do give him credit for the punter, it looks like he has some real talent.

IMO Read is still a liability and this game did not change my mind. Now you can "pretend"he is a good coach but I prefer not to.