Penn St vs um


Recruiting Coordinator
Jun 4, 2017
Elkhorn, NE
Yes! Lower case for my low respect for the self-annointed and so called "Harvard of the West". Nebraska U was already the Harvard of the west of the Mississippi. Seems that title got thrown around in Ann Arbor and they just thought it was "cool".

Sounds like MU admin is in a "win at all costs" mode. Suing the conference?!? Oh please!!!

Buckeye Bros have a lot of beef with how this is shaking down. I hope our resident bucks weigh in...
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Had an ex-fiance with a father whom played for Tennessee. He bragged all the time about cash handouts in brown bags, homes being paid off miraculously in the 70s
I'm praying the karma gods assist PSU in a win today. And if they don't, I hope PSU takes any and all measures to beat Michigan. I hate cheaters.
I'm a Pedo State fan today.
Whoops GIF by DrSquatchSoapCo