OWH: Nebraska changes lyrics to 'Hail Varsity'

I didn't know what the words were before, so if they change them to pick up women's sports I have no problem with it. Now...if they could stop playing Come Runnin Boys at ear-splitting volume between quarters, that would be great. I sit up in the 600 section nearer Huskervision and bring earplugs specifically for when they play that song.
The words to that should be changed as well

Come a runnin BOYS is not inclusive by todays standards.

AND before anyone tries to correct me and point out that the song was about “boys” who played football, lets remember that in that era a person who was assigned the male gender at birth would not have been able to identify as their chosen gender due to the bigotry and transphobic attitudes of the time.
The university had absolutely zero to do with come a running boys. The band did it purely for fun. The idea behind it was to bring awareness to the song. Not necessarily the bands version of the song, but the song in general. Similar to the fight songs sung by Ohio state and Michigan. It was never meant to be played in the stadium, had no endorsement from the university. It most definitely was not made as a 4th q pump up song! I know the band, they don't even like playing it. It was not recorded in a 'pump over the loudspeakers to 90k people' kind of way. It was recorded as a very simple clap along folk song in the hopes tons of people would sing the chorus. Nebraska fans could have really grabbed onto the chorus and made it work like soccer stadiums do but the culture just isn't right at football games.

As for Hail Varsity? It will never catch on. People sing even catchy songs like Livin on a Prayer for only a couple seconds then lose interest. This won't work.
I didn't imply the University asked the Lincoln band guys you know to popularize Come Runnin Boys, you inferred that.

I looked into the song after my post. It was written in 1909 by a piano instructor employed by the University of Nebraska. The new version is played at University of Nebraska football games by University of Nebraska employees using the University of Nebraska audio equipment. So to suggest that the University of Nebraska has "zero" to do with Come Runnin Boys is false.
The words to that should be changed as well

Come a runnin BOYS is not inclusive by todays standards.

AND before anyone tries to correct me and point out that the song was about “boys” who played football, lets remember that in that era a person who was assigned the male gender at birth would not have been able to identify as their chosen gender due to the bigotry and transphobic attitudes of the time.
The words to that should be changed as well

Come a runnin BOYS is not inclusive by todays standards.

AND before anyone tries to correct me and point out that the song was about “boys” who played football, lets remember that in that era a person who was assigned the male gender at birth would not have been able to identify as their chosen gender due to the bigotry and transphobic attitudes of the time.

OMG.....I mean....BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I didn’t know the words anyway.

but still….

Judge Judy Eye Roll GIF
I've been singing the old version for years, now this is really going to fv*k things up! :mad:
I keep saying the old version of the Apostle's Creed that I learned as a child no matter how many times they've changed it since then. And somehow the planet has managed to survive.
I keep saying the old version of the Apostle's Creed that I learned as a child no matter how many times they've changed it since then. And somehow the planet has managed to survive.
Not so fast my friend.

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I think I just pulled a threesome in this thread.

That reminds me....this one college....
Wasnt there an attempt years ago to get fans to sing a song written by the Manheim Steamroller guy? It was slow, dull and they had to put the words on screen.
No one knew the words before, and no one will know the words after.

When I was a student people just sang...

"We don't know the words,
we don't know the words,
we don't know the goddamn words,
we don't know the words."