"Monday: Five sets of five reps of rock squats, rock overhead presses and dips with a rock in your lap.
Tuesday: Five circuits of tree branch pull-ups to failure, followed by eight to ten rock or haybale throws, followed by eight to ten log bent-over rows (grip one end of a log, bend over, and row it to your chest).
Friday: Five sets of five reps of rock deadlifts, rock lying chest press and bent over rows with the rock.
Saturday: Five circuits of rock farmer’s walk for maximum distance, eight to ten log end-to-end flips, and eight to ten tractor tire flips."
"Monday: Five sets of five reps of rock squats, rock overhead presses and dips with a rock in your lap.
Tuesday: Five circuits of tree branch pull-ups to failure, followed by eight to ten rock or haybale throws, followed by eight to ten log bent-over rows (grip one end of a log, bend over, and row it to your chest).
Friday: Five sets of five reps of rock deadlifts, rock lying chest press and bent over rows with the rock.
Saturday: Five circuits of rock farmer’s walk for maximum distance, eight to ten log end-to-end flips, and eight to ten tractor tire flips."