Any recommendations on the best place to purchase a vacation home? We are looking for something waterfront and within 5-6 hours from Omaha. The location would need to allow renting the property when we are not using it.
We've considered Okoboji and the Ozarks, Boji would be preferable since it's closer but it's over a million $$$ to get something waterfront.
I was told Lake Panora in Iowa could be a close alternative, but I believe they have a fairly restrictive rental clause.
Looking for any other suggestions. Thanks!
We've considered Okoboji and the Ozarks, Boji would be preferable since it's closer but it's over a million $$$ to get something waterfront.
I was told Lake Panora in Iowa could be a close alternative, but I believe they have a fairly restrictive rental clause.
Looking for any other suggestions. Thanks!