Having you on this board helps me feel like I'm not taking crazy pills for thinking essentially the same things. I don't know what causes people to think you can frighten an insane person into acting sane with a couple of airstrikes. You can't fix stupid and you can't cure crazy.
Its war crazy.
I sit around in meetings all the time with smart level headed folks of all political stripes. Then you give us a chance to shoot a thing or two, and it just kind of evolves into "ok cool, we can bomb this and that, we're going to get great results and everyone will respect the flex!" kind of a deal.
Then you have to sit back and realize, in all the time we are not shooting at somebody, there's a whole bunch of history we learn as to what the real limits of power are, and they don't necessarily line up with the talking points by former Lt Colonel's on XYZ news show or political speeches or whatever as to why this newest war, is the best thing since sliced bread.
Its hard to maintain that balance.
Look at the declassified 2007 National Intelligence Estimate on Iran. We had to *invade* Iraq (literally next door) to get their attention and get a *temporary* halt on weapons research. The lesson for KJU is yes, there's a guy willing to pull the trigger here. But there was also one in 2001 when you were put on the Axis of Evil. You actually have nukes still, and 'Murica doesn't tend to mess with countries with nukes.
KJU was not wrong when he noted that the lessons from American history dictate that his nation choose nuclear armament if they wish to poke us in the eye. The echoes of Gadaffi and Saddam are still to recent too have gone away.