1. After playing sports or bird hunting. 2. Watching Sports 3. Most waking hours when I am back in Nebraska. 4. New Year's Eve. My wife and I throw an early NYE party. 4pm to about 8-9 pm. People like the time. For some that is the only party they go to. For others it is just a warm-up. I like it because I do not have to leave my house and more importantly for the last 10-12 years I've done a Dry January. Not just alcohol but I try to eat healthy too. Reset the old body.Hey y'all, just about to head on a golf trip and me and a buddy were discussing our top 3 times for a beer. Thought it would be fun to see what everyone else thinks.
My top 3
1. After mowing beer
2. Airport Beer
3. Waiting for wife to get ready for a date beer.