I respect your response. The interview I heard, QT said he just saw a murder and couldn't keep silent. He even clarified his comments on Bill Maher. Nothing I heard was out of bounds, just misconstrued by the bleeding hearts.Wow. Hot take bro. Police brutality is bad. I think the point he was making was police brutality is not done is some vacuum. There are lots of variables and grey areas which police are forced to include themselves. QT recently mentioned in an interview that all cops are basically racist and his example give was the Chicago shooting in the news. The cop that shot the dude with the knife arrived at the scene and shot the kid within seconds of getting out of his car, even though there were eight (how ironic) other cops yelling commands at the kid. He said the eight other cops were complicit in their silence.? There was an investigation and charges. Eight other cops didn't shoot the guy, and all likely testified. How is that silence?
I can assure you that anytime force is used, an investigation is done and sometimes punishment handed out just to make the public happy. Anytime somebody dies in police involvement, an even bigger investigation is done and a grand jury hearing is done by a jury of your peers. Have you ever been involved in a grand jury? It is brutal. Every police killing involves one of these. Sorry to go on forever, but my point is when cops actually have to go to this extreme, there is a lengthy investigation. QT had the nerve to say in his rich white neighborhood, he has never had an issue with cops, but he just knows it is different in Inglewood. He knows. I suggest if he really wants to know, he should do a six month ride along with LAPD, and his eyes would be wide open. It is actually disappointing that he will never do this. It would make for the greatest QT movie he has ever written and directed.
I agree with you 100% that it should be a case-by-case, objective basis. Michael Brown was completely different than Eric Garner. Or Walter Scott.
That said, I don't agree with your take on investigations and punishment.The cop that just killed Walter Scott was freed on bail. Is bail common in 1st degree murder charges? Eric Garner's killer wasn't charged. No one charged for Sandra Bland. I'll actually be shocked if anything sticks for Freddie Gray but it should.
You have to ask yourself, if you, John Q. Citizen did any of those things, would you be convicted of a crime?