I had the day {Wed} off so I thought I would go to Columbus and get some stuff for my deer plot! I get to Monroe and it starts up raining again and the closer I get to Columbus the harder it is raining. I came in on west side of Columbus because I heard that HyVee might have some Zimma! Well I look up ahead and I see some lights flashing. I get a little closer and see that a car was getting hooked up to get towed because it stalled out. I am thinking how odd it was to have a stalled out car right here in the middle of the road. I almost am up to super saver by then and to my left I see it! A damn river is coming down the street to my side. Water is up over my bumper and trying to even get inside my car! Three times I feel my tires lifting up and my car trying to drift with the water! How the heck I did not stall out I will never know! I finally get out of the stream by the time I get up to the four way stoplights!
True story! I shit you not!
True story! I shit you not!